ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Cyrille Barthelemy (Intrinsec), François Joubert (OHM Energie), Bertrand Chabanne (BEG), and Axel Mazerolles (Tested4you) ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Cyrille Barthelemy (Intrinsec), François Joubert (OHM Energie), Bertrand Chabanne (BEG), and Axel Mazerolles (Tested4you) – 15/01
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On the same subject
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Cyrille Barthelemy (Intrinsec), François Joubert (OHM Energie), Bertrand Chabanne (BEG), and Axel Mazerolles (Tested4you) – 15/01
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Yasmine Iamarene (MiPi), Étienne Leroy (Livmed’s), Virginie Fauvel (Harvest) and Soïg Le Bruchec (Néosoft) – 18/12
ETI equal: Patrice Bégay reçoit Rafaèle Tordjman (Jeito Capital), Wilfried Riviere (Emrys), Bruno Le Thiec (UPS France) et Emmanuel Lecerf (Data Legal Drive) – 11/12
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Thierry Bisiaux (Cryla Group), Tristan De Witte (Rivalen), Saloua Maslaga (Emova Group) and Jérôme Jaman (Dmax) – 04/12
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Gilles Andrier (Givaudan), Amina Bouzguenda Zeghal (Dauphine Tunisie) and Aurélie Gobinet-Gmuender (Partner Group) – 27/11
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Philippe Jean (Del Arte), Éléna Poincet (TEHTRIS), Nicolas Wolff (Boralex) and Caroline Sarrot-Lecarpentier – 20/11
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Isabelle Le Bot (La France Mutualiste), Sébastien Lescop (Cloud Temple), Donia Kaouach (Leaders for Peace) and Serge Dessay (Hotravail) – 13/11
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Eric Decroix (Transgourmet France), Olivier Dacquin, (Groupe Simon) and Victoria Hauser (Qorum Secur’Num) – 06/11
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Aliette Mousnier-Lompré (Orange Business), Marc Prikazsky (Ceva Santé Animale), Frédéric Coirier (Poujoulat and METI) and MehdiHouas (Talan Group) – 30/10
ETI equal: Patrice Bégay reçoit Jean-Christophe Morisseau (Lenovo France), Cosimo Prete (CST), et Alain Falc (Nacon) – 23/10
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Jean-Marie Saint-Paul (Siemens Digital Industries France), Stanislas de Rémur (Oodrive), Pascal Coste (Groupe PC) and Philippe Maillard (Apave) – 16/10
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Gaël Magda (Grohe), Frédéric Sebag (Open) and Xavier Leclerc de Hauteclocque (IBG) – 09/10
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Gaëtan de Sainte Marie (Qantis), Sabrina Pantier (Husqvarna) and Alexandre del Vallé (geopolitologist) – 02/10
ETI bet: Patrice Bégay receives Natacha Cambriels (Butagaz), Franck Davoine (SMAC), Amélie Guicheney (GAYA) and Dominique Restino (CCI Paris IDF) – 09/25
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