Cindy Lavoie manages to find children’s clothes in thrift stores. She chose to organize an event with two other thrift stores to have an even greater range to offer to Charlevois residents.
The pop-up thrift store event will be held on Saturday, February 8 from noon to 8 p.m. at the Auberge des Balcons.
“In Quebec, pop-up thrift stores are very popular and it’s more difficult to stand out. This is why I thought of organizing the event in Charlevoix. The three of us joined together so that everyone gets what they need. This also allows you to have more choice. I sell clothes for children aged 0 – 6 on social networks while the two other thrift stores offer clothes for men and women,” says Ms. Lavoie, whose thrift store is called Une Petite Frip.
Marcelle – Friperie nomade and Chez Tous Jours are the two other participating thrift stores. The three women will offer a large selection of carefully selected unisex clothing for adults, children and babies.
“We go around thrift stores to find clothes that are not broken and that are part of the collections and lots we are looking for. Then, we sell them at affordable prices. THE second hand is popular and it also allows you to collect clothes and give them a 2e life,” adds Ms. Lavoie, who is originally from Petite-Rivière-Saint-François.
The Balcons bistro will be open from 4 p.m., which will also attract customers.
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