This is the new show from the M6 group. Since December 9, 2024, W9 has broadcast from Monday to Friday at 7:50 p.m., “The Cerveau”, which follows the third season of “Cinquante”. Eighteen candidates well known to viewers, including Anaïs Camizuli, Benoît Dubois, Beverly Bello, Carla Moreau, Kim Glow, Vincent Queijo and Vivian compete to elect the most intelligent personality on reality TV. But a few weeks after arriving on the air, an influencer accuses the channel of having stolen her concept. Mélanie Amar, also known under the nickname Melanight, spoke in a story published on her Instagram account this Wednesday, January 15, 2025.Glad to have seen that you liked my show and that it was profitable“. The young woman, followed by a million followers, then posted a press release online this Wednesday to explain the underlying facts of the affair.
Mélanie Amar takes the M6 group to court
The M6 group, which she is taking to court for “parasitism”, is said to have plagiarized a program she proposed to them entitled “La Pire Classe”. “Despite rave feedback on its show, the result of months of work, the M6 group declined it, saying that the school theme was not relevant. A few weeks later, a program entitled “The Cerveau”, curiously similar, was released on W9“, we can read. The one that was revealed in the sixth season of “Bachelor” “requests compensation for the moral and financial damage suffered and especially official recognition of her status as a creator“.
Contacted by “Le Parisien”, the group led by David Larramendy “formally contests these allegations“, ensuring to have “responded in an argued manner and in detail to Ms. Amar and her lawyer”. “These allegations by Ms. Amar are denigration and we would like to point out that it is regularly ruled by the French courts that the disclosure of a parasitism action even before it has given rise to a court decision, and therefore devoid of sufficient factual basis in that it is based solely on the sole act of prosecution initiated, constitutes wrongful denigration which justifies the award of damages and interest“, explains M6.
Nearly 400,000 daily viewers for “The Cerveau”
Note that since its launch on December 9, “The Cerveau” has attracted an average of more than 392,000 viewers per episode. The event was even attended by 470,000 faithful on January 3, an audience record in terms of number of viewers but also in audience share (2.5% PDA). For comparison, the 3rd season of “Cinquante”, an emblematic W9 show, attracted an average of 336,000 viewers each evening throughout its season, which represents 1.7% of those aged 4 and over.
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