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a tool dedicated to the electrification of transport fleets

Chargepoly, electric charging operator for heavy mobility, unveils its e-Trucks Data Hub, a new tool intended to support the electrification of transport and logistics fleets. This database brings together electric trucks marketed in Europe and North America.

Rodrigo Zero, Market Director at Chargepoly, explains: “ With our e-Trucks Data Hub, we want to offer transport players a tool that is both simple and comprehensive, to support them in the electrification of their fleets. Our goal is to make this transition faster, more accessible and more efficient, thanks to this data and Chargepoly’s expertise.. »

A comprehensive information tool

“We realized that by collecting information about electric trucks available on the market, we could create a valuable resource for the transportation community. This data, although public, is not always easily accessible and varies from one manufacturer to another. » Rodrigo Zero, Market Director at Chargepoly.

The e-Trucks Data Hub is not intended to be a tool for comparing offers from different manufacturers, but an exhaustive database bringing together electric trucks marketed to date. It thus allows users to easily identify the options available on the market based on specific technical criteria.

Célia Lopez, Director of Communications at Chargepoly adds: “ We designed this tool to identify vehicles that are already available for order, excluding prototypes that are not yet marketed. On the platform you can find vehicles which are not yet on our roads because they have not yet been delivered, but which are available to order.


With this tool, Chargepoly also wants to transmit a strong message on the state of electrification of truck fleets. It is no longer at an embryonic stagethe offer is now robust, with electric trucks available from all major manufacturers and with several battery capacity and range options. The company hopes that this tool will encourage companies to think more holistically about their energy transition. “Too often, carriers buy their trucks first, then think about charging infrastructure. The Data Hub allows these two thoughts to be integrated from the start, for a smoother and more coherent transition,” adds Célia.

A collaborative and evolving approach

Chargepoly wants the e-Trucks Data Hub to become a reference tool for the electrification of fleets. Users are invited to share their suggestions, comments or report missing data. In the event of an inaccuracy in the representation of a vehicle, manufacturers are encouraged to contact Chargepoly in order to refine the information

The company also insists that the information present in the Data Hub is exclusively publictaken from manufacturers’ websites or their technical data sheets accessible to the general public. No confidential data is included, and the ambition is not to challenge the offers of different manufacturers, but to provide a neutral and reliable resource for professionals in the sector.

An evolving tool

Currently, the e-Trucks Data Hub is dedicated to heavy goods vehicles, but Chargepoly is already planning to extend it to the passenger transport sector. “ We would like, in a second step, to include data on electric coaches and buses, to offer an even broader vision of electrification in the transport sector”need Rodrigo.

In conclusion, the e-Trucks Data Hub is positioned as a valuable tool for transport professionals wishing to learn about available electric vehicles, and a lever to accelerate the adoption of more sustainable solutions. Discover this new tool now on the Chargepoly website: Data Hub e-Trucks.


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