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The series “Elsbeth” on TF1 is a flop – Libération

Sometimes a single image manages to condense the intentions of a series. On a busy New York sidewalk, half a dozen cops take advantage of their break to chat over coffee in front of their precinct. In this very classic shot of a detective series, dominated by the gray of the pavement and the black uniforms, a head emerges halfway up the frame, on the right. A redheaded woman, topped with a ridiculous green Statue of Liberty hat. She has a pink coat, a homemade wool scarf, and looks a little dazed. She’s the redneck, the fish-out-of-water caricature. Worse: she is terribly happy, cheerful to discover New York.

Promotes drowsiness

All the charm of Elsbeth, new creation by Michelle and Robert King, a formidable duo of showrunners convinced that the old forms of the dad-style series are far from having said everything (Evil), is due to its main character, the antithesis of roulette thrown around in an ultra-normed series. A fifty-something redhead with almost pathological discretion, the kind of person it’s hard to get back


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