The Mysteries of Love ♡ September 15, 2024 [notre CRITIQUE LMDLA 35×06] : Christian faces a double nightmare!
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The Mysteries of Love ♡ September 15, 2024 [notre CRITIQUE LMDLA 35×06] : Christian faces a double nightmare!

What does the series Les mystères de l’amour have in store for us in advance on Sunday September 15, 2024 with episode 35×06 with Fanny zapping Christian for Yvan. Your comments for the new episode #LMDLA.

Christian has competition with Adrian and on top of that Adeline is expecting a baby… true or false?

Share your thoughts on the episode The Mysteries of Love September 15, 2024 (episode 35×06). All The Mysteries of Love episodes in advance are available with detailed summaries.

Find the spoilers The Mysteries of Love Sunday September 15, 2024 with the full summary from episode 6 of season 35.

Our critical opinion The mysteries of love – LMDLA 35×06

Our opinion


  • Did Christian and Adeline sleep together? Do you think what Sandra Wolf shows is fake? Or really, as Christian says to Nicolas, he doesn’t remember because he had been drinking so much. What is certain is that we will have to say goodbye to the couple Christian and Fanny for a few more weeks or months. We can feel the film, Christian will get depressed and drink while Fanny will travel alongside the zoologist and get closer to him over the course of the trips (in real life Elsa Esnoult travels with Yvan (his real first name).
  • The secondary arc that is interesting is Guéant / Stéphanie and Fiona … we know that she disappeared with her narcissistic pervert and it is he who struck Guéant with jealousy. Stéphanie and Fiona are really friends … and Fiona with Guéant as a couple, that would be perfect. They are cute and then Guéant deserves happiness, for a long time. Fiona should return soon because in mid-September we saw scenes on social networks of the actress Fiona Deshayes in the hospital for the filming of LMDLA.


  • It’s sad that the writers don’t want to keep the couple Christian and Fanny together, the audience watches the series almost only for them. The side plots are anything but exciting, like tonight Ingrid / Dany or Jeanne with her nephew Léo.

Casting principal

Helen Rolles, Patrick Puydebat, Elsa Esnoult, Sébastien Roch, Laly Meignan, Cathy Andrieu

Episode length (average)



Romantic series

Fiona back soon in the new episodes of the mysteries of love

What are the positive and negative points of the episode? React in comments on the forum The mysteries of love on the Sunday night episode.

Public opinions on Fanny and Christian in The Mysteries of Love: Too Much is Too Much?

What time is The Mysteries of Love airing on Sunday, September 15, 2024?

Stephanie is increasingly worried about Guéant and Fiona

The Mysteries of Love are scheduled for early evening, this Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 20H on TMC.

Hélène unveils her new single “Oh la la la vie est belle” at Hélène and the boys’ garage as well as “Don’t cry”:

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Isabelle Corteilles

Titou, passionate about media and especially about TV series news. Generation Dawson’s Creek or even Sous le soleil in the 90s. Today, head to the Spoon of DNA, the salt marshes of ITC or even the Sauvages of Un si grand soleil to not miss any indiscretions on the series!


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