After playing Nicolas Berger, a brilliant and attractive doctor who had stolen the heart of Blanche (Cécilia Hornus) but who was in reality the Enchanter, the formidable serial killer who had made the Mistral tremble by accumulating victims in More beautiful life on France 3, Bruce Tessore is back in another series. Since the episode of this Monday, December 30, 2024, Sara Mortensen's ex plays Achille, a seductive and manipulative man that Aurore (Julie Debazac) must trap before he claims other victims. Bruce Tessore spoke about this second character who plays a double game, like the Enchanter at the time.
Tomorrow belongs to us : Bruce Tessore likes to play bad guys but…
Télé-Loisirs: How would you describe Achille?
Bruce Tessore : He's a lost guy, manipulative, a liar, who clings to women to try to get by. But, deep down, he is not such a bad man, even if, indeed, he defrauds women and one of them goes so far as to commit suicide because she was in love with him and she lost everything… I tried to always approach her with an element of humanity because I consider that we are never fully something. We are everything and its opposite. And even among the bad guys, there is always a part of humanity that exists.
What do you like best about him?
Double play is always very interesting to play. It was necessary to allow this sympathy and kindness to be shown initially. Afterwards, it's true that I often had villain roles. I like playing them because we can get away with a lot of things, but I would also like to be chosen to play the roles of a little nicer guys… Maybe I'm chosen for these evil characters because I have a soft voice, a nice face – which is what I am in life – but if I could play something else, that would suit me. That would break a little this image that I have on television.
Speaking of More beautiful lifeafter the death of The Enchanter in 2018, are we still talking to you about this role?
Often. Just yesterday, someone stopped me in the street to talk to me about it. This character made an impression on viewers of the France 3 series. He was appreciated and he is missed, I think. I loved this role but it actually sticks to me a bit!
Tomorrow belongs to us : Bruce Tessore and Julie Debazac have known each other for 15 years
In Tomorrow belongs to usyou give the answer to Julie Debazac, did you know her?
I met her about 15 years ago for a theater project which ultimately didn't happen. I haven't seen her since. I really enjoyed playing with her. I find that she is an actress full of energy, dynamic and who is always creating. It was really very, very nice to play with her.
In this Monday, January 6, 2025 episode, Achille and Aurore are shot. Can you tell us behind the scenes of this scene in the streets of Sète?
The camera was placed on top of buildings. And so, it's Aude (Stéphanie Pasterkamp, former actress of More beautiful lifeeditor’s note) which is supposed to shoot at us. Achille walks Aurore back to his house. And then, the director asked us to improvise so as not to have our reactions anticipated. They simulated the sound of a shot. We proposed several reactions, even crawling on the ground, because we really had to try to bring out a natural side…
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