Laurent Ruquier unfiltered on his brief appearance on BFMTV: “It wasn’t for me”
DayFR Euro

Laurent Ruquier unfiltered on his brief appearance on BFMTV: “It wasn’t for me”

On September 11, Laurent Ruquier gave an interview to Guillaume Pley, as part of his podcast Legendwhich can be found on all platforms, but also on YouTube. The host of Big Heads thus returned to his modest childhood, his relationship with money, his career and his career, which he owes only to his perseverance and hard work. He notably mentioned his time on BFMTV last year, which was express since he did not really appreciate the exercise on the continuous news channel, too far from the entertainment that he loves to do so much.

Explaining that he had tried a morning show one day on April Fool’s Day on Europe 1 (the presenters all changed shows and times), he quickly realized that he didn’t like having so little “room for maneuver”. “There is not enough freedom, and I like freedom, being able to mess around, have fun, improvise, take my time and here, it is not possible”, said Laurent Ruquier, before adding: “I realized that it wasn’t for me at all… A bit like BFMTV.” Looking back on this experience, Hugo Manos’ companion explained how he ended up hosting a show on this very classic news channel: “I had just left France Télé and this opportunity presented itself to me. There was the idea of ​​doing a bit of what Pascal Praud was doing on CNews, but in fact, I didn’t have the opportunity.”

>> PHOTOS – Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos, Valérie Trierweiler, the Miss France… The stars gathered around Sylvie Tellier for a special evening

This freedom that the presenter has Time for the Pros

As an example, the presenter specified that his colleague, “if he wants to talk about Michel Sardou for an hour or Robert Hosseinhe does it.” Which was not his case, as he revealed: “I couldn’t, and then, well, I came at a somewhat complicated time in the news since It was the Hamas attacks in Israel, so there is nothing to do there!” Saying to himself “stuck very quickly” During his time on BFMTV, Laurent Ruquier had to face the facts, namely that he could not be himself on air, laugh at everything and bring lightness to the viewers.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: YouTube / Legend screen capture


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