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The Star Academy teachers taken aback by Ulysses’ performance, they are hallucinating at his progress

In the daily life of Star Academy on Wednesday, December 18, the teachers shared their opinions on the evaluation of Ulysses. Unanimously, they congratulated the student for his incredible progress.

A big hit for Ulysses! For the public week, the candidate attracts good vibes. After having the surprise of seeing the rock group AaRON arrive to celebrate its 25th anniversary at the castle, Ulysse caused a sensation during the latest evaluations. Viewers chose to blackmail him New York with you of Telephone and have not regretted it. In the daily life of Star Academy broadcast this Wednesday, December 18 on TF1 – in which Michael Goldman made a big announcement – ​​the student was praised by his classmates after his time in the dance hall. “It was so good”judged Marine. “It was crazy, Ulysses”commented Ebony, followed by Franck: “Very good, really very good. The song was great and the improv was really nice.” And it’s not the teachers who will say the opposite.

Ulysses (Star Academy) praised by teachers after his evaluation

Ulysse performed flawlessly in the public’s evaluations of the week. “I loved everything I saw of Ulysses. He dared to be a little insolent, a little histrionic. He has a lot of humor, a lot of second degree”remarked Hugues Hamelynck about his theater improvisation. “Who would have thought that Ulysses was going to use dance to optimize his performance? It was really well done because he varied between singing and then I saw him giving all the energy in his little dance and this n “it’s not easy, so he was in control, it didn’t make him out of breath, it was great”, rejoiced Malika Benjelloun. “But what a pleasure to see him like that”confirmed Marlène Schaff before paying the student a nice compliment: “For me, I would even say that this is perhaps one of the best evaluations he has ever made.”

Sofia Morgavi (Star Academy) warns Ulysses about a detail during his performance

Michael Goldman also expressed his pride after Ulysses’ assessment. “He really brought some Ulysse and his winnowing Marseille side and it worked, I think it’s a very good assessment,” said the director. If Sofia Morgavi also appreciated the student’s performance, she did not fail to warn him about a detail. “I find that at times, there is a little tightening and it could be a little freer but it’s not much”, the singing teacher pointed out.



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