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these 3 points completely turned our knowledge of the Boo arc upside down

Since October, Toei has been offering us the opportunity to discover Goku’s new adventures in Dragon Ball Daima. An unprecedented epic by Akira Toriyama, the latest from the Japanese genius. And even if only 8 episodes of Dragon Ball Daima have been broadcast so far, out of the 20 planned, the spin-off has kicked the anthill. The Majin Boo saga has been modified, particularly on these 3 points.

/! Warning, the following contains spoilers for the first 8 episodes of Dragon Ball Daima /!

With a plot that takes place at the end of the Majin Boo arc, Dragon Ball Daima did not hesitate to drastically expand Akira Toriyama’s universe. The opportunity for the manga to return to points discussed in Dragon Ball Z30 years ago. And yes, time flies. Although only 8 episodes have so far been broadcast, and the best is undoubtedly yet to come, Dragon Ball Daima did not skimp on changes. Three majors have shaken up our understanding of the Majin Boo arc, it’s time for us to come back to it.

#1: The origins of the Kaîo Shin and the Nameks

First major point addressed by Dragon Ball Daimathe origins of the Kaîo Shin and the Namek. This point, which Dragon Ball regulars thought had been closed for ages, has finally been reopened. Before Dragon Ball Daima, fans believed that the people from which Piccolo and Dendé came came from the planet Namek. The name was evocative enough to alert the most attentive people. However, this is not the case. As Gomah explains to Dendé in Dragon Ball Daimatheir pointed ears are synonymous with belonging to the Demon Kingdom. And if the pointed ears betray their origins, then the Kaîo Shin are also concerned.

Kaîo Shin also took advantage of the spin-off to reveal both his race and his real name. Thus, he belongs to a race called the Glind, beings who are born in the second Demon Realm and who grow from a tree. Our knowledge about the Kaîo Shin is therefore turned upside down, especially since their experiences with the origins of Majin Boo suggest that they know more than they let on. For his name, episode 7 of Friday, November 27 lets us know that Kaîo Shin is known as Nahare in the Demon Kingdom.

#2 The creator of Majin Boo is not Bibidi

In Dragon Ball Z, it is explained that Majin Boo is a being who appeared in time immemorial, and who oscillates between long phases of rest and phases of devastating activity. However, this is not the case. Babidi is not its creator either, since this title rightfully belongs to the witch Marba, created at the request of the sorcerer with the bulging eyes. This major change in the history of Dragon Ballit’s finally episode 8, the latest, of Dragon Ball Daima who teaches us. Another point raised by this revelation, the magic of which the sorcerer is capable. So it seems that demons generally only master one type of magic. And in the case of Bibidi and Babidi, their talents aren’t just mind control magic.

Unable to create a creature as powerful as Majin Boo, Bibidi is unable to even control it. It’s no wonder the ambitious wizard was defeated by his living weapon, just like Giovanni and Mewtwo in the first film. Pokémon. Another major change in the Majin Boo arc, the existence of a fragment of Majin Buu, recovered by Arinsu. It is therefore possible that Kid Boo was not 100% defeated by Goku and that the antagonist of Dragon Ball Z may show up again in the near future. After all, Majin Boo’s introduction in Dragon Ball Daima seems more and more likely.

#3 Demon magic is limited

Point discussed a little above, the magic of demons would have its limits. According to Panzy, demons are usually only proficient in one type of magic. A resource very different from ki, which Goku and his companions master in particular, which allows them to evolve and develop ever more devastating techniques, magic seems to have its limits.

Despite everything, it is possible that certain beings stand out from the crowd, like the venerable Neva. The Namek, inhabitant of the Demon Kingdom, is notably the creator of the Tamagamis, the guardians of the Dragon Balls of the Demon World. Neva therefore seems much more powerful than the other magicians introduced so far in the anime. It remains to be seen how much. Dragon Ball Daima has not yet revealed all its secrets, and we can’t wait to discover them.


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