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Tomorrow Belongs to Us: What to Expect in Episode 1718 on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… Despite suspicions, the police come up against a concrete alibi. Nordine continues to pedal through the semolina. Sylvain strongly suspects his friend, Bruno.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast Tuesday evening on TF1! If you’d rather not know, don’t read on.

Tuesday July 2 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…

Georges discovers damning evidence against Mélody

Following the coroner’s revelations, the investigation takes a new turn. Indeed, John did not commit suicide after killing Clarisse. He was murdered, probably by the same person who killed Clarisse. The police then put forward the hypothesis of the jealous husband having discovered his wife’s affair.

Martin then goes to the hospital to question Igor. The latter is in the process of preparing his things to go home and Sébastien accompanies him. Martin tells them that John is not Clarisse’s murderer, then asks Igor where he was at the time of the double homicide. Igor states that he was working alone in his workshop. By consulting his phone, Sébastien has proof that Igor was not alone since he had come to see him at least until 5:30 p.m.

In the corridor, Martin calls Georges to inform him of Igor’s alibi. Sure of his father-in-law’s integrity regarding this alibi, Martin decides to find new leads by further research on Kovac’s phone. Meanwhile, Sébastien invites Igor to lunch at his daughter’s house to prevent him from finding himself alone at home and doing something stupid again.

At the Paillote, Lilou notices that Bastien is not well. She asks him why and learns that his father, as well as his girlfriend, are dead. In shock, the young girl comforts Bastien, who finds himself alone having to make arrangements for the burial. Lilou must return to work, but she assures that she will be there for him if needed. Violette quickly comes to take over from Bastien, who was touched by Lilou’s sincerity.

At the police station, Roxane and Timothée inform Georges that they discovered encrypted messages on John’s phone confirming his passionate affair with Clarisse. However, they noticed that the tone was much colder on the day of the murder. Clarisse had sent a message to John to meet him at the garage so that they could have an important conversation. Given that Clarisse’s cell phone was limited to the garage early in the afternoon, the police suspect a third person of having organized this argument so that they would meet in the garage and the murderer could act. In addition, Roxane and Timothée reveal to Georges that they also found message exchanges between John… and Mélody!

Georges immediately leaves to search through the seals found at the crime scene. He gets his hands on a small precious stone. Damien confirms that he found it on the floor in Kovac’s garage. Georges borrows it from him. When he returns home, he tries to contact Mélody by telephone, in vain. This filters his calls.

However, while she is walking down the street, Mélody picks up when Bastien calls her. The teenager admits to having been touched by her reaction when he learned of his father’s death. Mélody promises to be there for him if he needs him. After hanging up, she bursts into tears.

For his part, Georges returns home and searches through his partner’s belongings. He ends up finding the ring she usually wears and notices that a small precious stone is missing, exactly the one from the seals…

Nothing is going well between William and Aurore

At the Spoon, Nordine has a drink with Rachel. She notices that he is tense. He admits that he dreads meeting Manon every day at the police station. While Rachel thinks this is an opportunity for the two exes to get closer, Nordine says he really wants to move on. To take his mind off things, Rachel offers him a mountain bike ride, as a souvenir of the good old days. Nordine then reveals that he always hated it, but that he made the effort back then to hang out with her.

At the police station, Nordine meets Roxane in the rest room and asks her if she knows of any cool mountain bike rides in the region for a friend. Manon joins them and overhears their conversation, suspecting that the friend he is talking about is none other than Rachel. While Nordine offers to help him grab a package of cakes that is difficult to reach, Manon sharply rebuffs him.

At the end of the day, Manon returns to her new apartment and runs into Rachel. The two women discover that they will be living in the same building since Rachel has just moved into a studio on the fourth floor and Manon has moved in with her mother on the ground floor. Manon then mentions the mountain bike rides that Nordine has looked for her, promising to tell her about the good deals she knows. Rachel suggests that she come and talk to her about them herself since they are now neighbors.

Meanwhile, Aurore comes to pick up a tart pan from the villa. She runs into William and invites him to come and have dinner with them. The latter sticks to his position and categorically refuses to support Aurore’s decision, always reproaching his wife for having made it without him. Aurore thinks he is exaggerating. William says she’d better get all the things she needs now because he’d rather not see her for several weeks.

Sylvain suspects Bruno and Christelle of having an affair

At the Moreno’s, Sylvain is getting ready to go to work, while Christelle complains about not sleeping well. Bruno, meanwhile, has decided to go jogging for his day off.

At the Spoon, Sylvain takes care of the necessary repairs. Nathan thanks him, then asks him to clean the kitchen joints. Sylvain realizes that he is missing the required equipment. He calls Bruno to ask him to bring it to him, but the latter does not answer. Sylvain therefore calls Christelle who picks up the landline without realizing it. Sylvain then hears snippets of conversation between his wife and his best friend which lead him to assume that they are sleeping together.

Sylvain rushes home and realizes his mistake. Bruno is simply taking care of Christelle who is suffering from an intense fever. Understanding what he imagined, they gently laugh at him.

For the evening, Bruno decides to leave the couple alone. Christelle then admits to Sylvain that she is flattered that he is still jealous, then she assures him that she only loves him.


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