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Jean-Michel Maire (TPMP) on edge, the day he settled his scores with a columnist who was flirting with his partner

This Thursday, June 27, 2024, Pascale de la Tour du Pin was in PAF even in the summer for her top 50 best moments of the season in TPMP. She shared the images of a settling of scores between Jean-Michel Maire and another columnist.

PAF/C8 screenshot

Fans of the PAF and of TPMP are in heaven. The shows will not be taking a vacation, despite the upcoming summer. Indeed, recently, Cyril Hanouna revealed that he was going to hand over the reins of his show to one of his new recruits. It is Pascale de la Tour du Pin, who arrived last September after leaving BFMTV, who will be in charge of TPMP, even in summer. And that’s not all, the host ensures at the same time PAF even in summer. Since the beginning of the week, it has been broadcasting the Top 50 best sequences of the season. This is how a settling of scores between Jean-Michel Maire and another columnist, which occurred on April 19, was broadcast on Thursday, April 27, 2024.

“With a very insistent look”

Indeed, that day, as usual, Sasha Elbaz came on stage to reveal a file on Poslka. But Cyril Hanouna’s columnist was caught up in his own game. “Are you sure you want to dump files on me?” said Jean-Michel Maire, who was also mentioned in the story. It was then that Jean-Michel Maire wanted to settle his scores with the young man. He returned to the evening before, where the columnists had met in a nightclub. Jean-Michel Maire was there with his partner.

Apparently, Sasha Elbaz had a crush, since he would have spoken to the young woman, confides Cyril Hanouna. To which Jean-Michel Maire specifies: “Ah well he wiggled, I had never seen him dance before. He discovered his talents and he danced stick-tight, I want to say.” Under the surprised air of Sasha Elbaz, he corrected himself: “Not too tight but still with a very insistent look”. What annoyed Jean-Michel Maire even more? The text messages sent at 5 a.m. to propose to the columnist’s partner “extend the evening” in the bedroom “to get in the mood together.” Fortunately, Jean-Michel Maire can count on his partner who declined the offer.

Who is Jean-Michel Maire’s partner?

It’s certain Instagram that Jean-Michel Maire made his love story with his young partner official. On February 13, on the eve of Valentine’s Day. He appeared alongside a young lady with blue eyes, whose Instagram profile he tagged. It was Jennifer Howe. At the time, the reactions were multiple given the age difference. “I’m 25 years old with my darling. But she’s not 17, she’s 37. But I’m 62”he explained to the gang Do not touch My TV. But nothing stops the couple from having the perfect love affair!


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