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“I didn’t feel it anymore”: Alex Goude talks about his stormy departure from TPMP and his relationship with Cyril Hanouna

It was the controversy at the start of the season Do not touch My TV. On September 27, while improvising a dance with Valérie Benaïm during a happening, Alex Goude got carried away by putting a hand on his partner’s buttocks. “This guy is crazy! You’re a weirdo. Valerie, are you okay darling?”, Cyril Hanouna had launched in surprise in front of the scene. “I didn’t know he was going to put his hand up my ass, but in all friendship, there’s no problem!“, replied Valérie Bénaïm, disconcerted. The latter then spoke about the affair on her Twitter account: “I see all your comments. Thank you for your support. Alex’s gesture was inappropriate. We explained it. Of which act. Thank you Cyril Hanouna, my friend, for reacting immediately. The case is closed.“Following this incident, Alex Goude announced his withdrawal from TPMP, before returning as a guest to speak on the affair on October 3, at the initiative of Cyril Hanouna. Since then, the former host of France has an unbelievable talent on M6 disappeared from C8.

Alex Goude wanted to end it

This Tuesday, June 18, Alex Goude was invited to the set of Buzz TV. The former columnist of TPMP was thus questioned about this affair. The presenter, now 49 years old, reveals that he escaped the worst: “I had a very bad experience with this controversy in TPMP. I had very, very, very dark thoughts… My mother was in the hospital, shocked. She has seen death threats on Twitter even though she never goes on Twitter. It was very hard. Fortunately there was my son.“Alex Goude then went behind the scenes of this story which he could have done without:”The reality is that I’m being asked to do a couple dance. I tell Valérie to do Dancing with the Stars, I’ll kiss you, I’ll lift you up, we’ll do lifts… She says ok. Besides, just after the sequence, Valérie died laughing and told me that it’s okay, that I’m gay, that we’ve known each other for 20 years, there’s no problem. Except that afterwards, you have the sequence of all the feminists who take over social networks, calling me a rapist, a sexual assaulter when everyone knows that I am homosexual. And there, my world collapses for a rotten buzz. That the shocking image, there is no problem, I understand. But after doing something, or even when I come back a week later, you have the impression that it’s the trial of the worst…

Despite this show where he found himself under fire from his fellow columnists, Alex Goude did not hold it against Cyril Hanouna: “I don’t blame anyone because that’s the game of the show. I’m almost mad at myself for making this move. It’s the game of the show, it doesn’t matter. It’s just that afterwards I told myself that I wasn’t going to go back thereI never regret anything. I find Cyril to be a brilliant person. I did 7 shows, and even I was exhilarated. I came home and I had dozens of messages saying “thank you, your opinion made me realize that I was wrong…” Suddenly, you feel overpowered. You tell yourself that you can influence people’s lives. This show packs a huge punch.

Cyril asked me to come back

Thus, Alex Goude had made the decision to put an end to his adventure in TPMPhe who was one of the star recruits of this new season: “It’s a personal choice. Cyril asked me to come back. I didn’t feel it anymore. The basic idea for me for two years was to move into comedy, when I stopped France Télévisions. I did that in a deal with Canal. And I suffered too much. I really almost went far. I told myself that I shouldn’t mess around, I have a child, a family, a mother who loves me. I felt that it was useless, that I needed to concentrate on my series, my films, my shows, my life as an entrepreneur and that I was fine like that.


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