DayFR Euro

“It’s food waste!”: The “Koh-Lanta” show hit by a new controversy

On X, a user speaks directly to Denis Brogniart, presenter of the show, and asks him what happens to the hot dishes presented before a comfort test. Are they the ones that adventurers who have gained comfort will eat or are they just there as a presentation? “I ask every year but never get an answer… When you offer meals (like lasagna) are they reheated, eaten cold and what happens to the dish that remains on presentation during the event??”writes the Internet user.

Denis Brogniart personally commented on the post: “Presentation dishes that have been left in the sun for a long time are not eaten.“A message that doesn’t come across well. Many people are, in fact, protesting at the treatment reserved for presentation dishes and are calling out food waste.”Too bad food waste“, “So you waste“, “Well, that’s rubbish!“,”Pardon ! ? Suddenly, it’s ruined! ?“,”People are really dying of hunger in the world but TF1 makes fake dishes on Koh-Lanta to throw them away…“, react Internet users.

Some offer solutions. “It would be enough to make video plans of meals after the victory or during the meal“or again”We have to find a solution! Take a photo on an iPad, for example“, we can read in the comments.

At this stage, neither TF1 nor Denis Brogniart have reacted to the accusations of food waste aimed at Koh Lanta.


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