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A Breton woman in the final of Beijing Express on M6: “When it stops, it’s hard! »

The broadcast of the 19th season

of Beijing Express, in India, of which you are a finalist, ends Saturday evening on M6. Are you still able to walk around incognito?

(Laughs) People recognize me. Some people say they saw me somewhere but they can’t remember where. Others come to see me telling me that they adore us with Clément (his partner on the show) or that they adore Stéphane (Rotenberg, the presenter). Every time, it’s benevolent, so it’s cool. People mostly want to know what happens at the end. I’m used to it: I tell them they have to watch the final!

How do you feel as the end of this adventure approaches?

On the one hand, we wait for the end and, on the other, we want it to never end. When we come back from Beijing, we are sad but we tell ourselves that there is still broadcasting. There, that’s it, it’s the last episode. Afterwards, there will be nothing more to do on Saturday evening, no more weekend adrenaline. It’s an intense period, we’re in a kind of global euphoria all the time and it’s difficult to have a normal life alongside it. It’s part of the game but when it stops, it’s hard!

What stood out to you in India? A particular meeting?

Bubbly, full of energy and sporty, Émeline was a campsite leader in Vias-Plage (Hérault) with Clément. She currently works in a sports store in Lannion.

Bubbly, full of energy and sporty, Émeline was a campsite leader in Vias-Plage (Hérault) with Clément. She currently works in a sports store in Lannion. (Patrick Robert/M6)

What are your best and worst memories?

The best is when we win the final duel in the quarter-finals, the event where we left off last season. The worst was this elimination last year: we lost because the others were really hard on us. This season, it was a completely different atmosphere, like a big summer camp, with plenty at stake all the same. The level was much higher, the tests were harder but there was really good understanding between the pairs. We all wanted to win but in fair play, without crushing the others.

What are your assets to win the final against Axel and his grandpa Jean-Claude, this Saturday evening?

Our good humor, our energy and our complicity. With Clément, we did three seasons of entertainment in a campsite in Vias-Plage, near Cap d’ (Hérault). We were already used to not sleeping much, stress, cameras. We know each other well with Clément, he’s like my brother at heart, we can always count on each other. We are also both very sporty, we have this competitive spirit.

I feel like I’ve accomplished the highest thing I’ll ever do in my life. It scares me a little that I’ll never experience emotions like that again.

Where will you watch the final?

Saturday, I run the Causses marathon, in (Aveyron). The big 36 km race leaves at 12:10 p.m. I think it will take six hours maximum. Afterwards, I join Clément in Béziers (Hérault), an hour and a half away. It’s going to be a race within the race, it’s stressing me out a little!

Isn’t life going to be too dull after all this?

Oh yes… I feel like I’ve accomplished the highest thing I could do in my entire life. It scares me a little that I’ll never experience emotions like that again. I will set myself sporting challenges but nothing will ever be worth Beijing Express! At the moment, I live with my parents in Pabu (22), near Guingamp, where I was born. And I work at Terres de running, a sports store in Lannion. I have also been a coach in my athletics club, Trégor Goëlo athletics, for over ten years. I am attached to my small town, I know a little about everyone, I did all my schooling there…


This Saturday, October 19, 2024, from 9:10 p.m., finale of Beijing Express on M6.

* This 19th season, “The Epic of the Maharadjas”, is an “all stars” edition. Only candidates who have marked previous seasons participate.



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