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Eliott escapes the worst (summary of episode 1498+ Video)

Un Si Grand Soleil in advance with the complete summary of episode 1498 of Friday October 25, 2024. In this new episode which will be broadcast in a few days on 3, Boris finds support from Muriel. As for Eliott, an incident makes him realize that his new job could cost him his life.

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The previous summary of Un Si Grand Soleil from Thursday October 24, 2024 from News Actual is also online. Happy reading.

Also find the spoilers for Un Si Grand Soleil until November 1, 2024.

Un Si Grand Soleil: Summary of the episode of October 25, 2024

Ludo admits to having his share of responsibility

Serge Levars came out of the coma. Lætitia is at his bedside while Janet examines him. She informs Serge that the clinical examination is very satisfactory. However, he will have to do other tests. But Serge still doesn’t remember what happened. He just remembers going hunting. Janet explains that the memory can return quickly, but can also take a while. After Janet’s departure, Levars questions his companion about the progress of the investigation concerning her attacker. Lætitia replies that the police have not yet made any progress, but that they are working on the case. A little later, she calls Manu to tell him this excellent news. Manu is delighted for her and for Serge. Lætitia specifies that her companion does not remember her attack. She then thanks Manu for his support.

Hugo is worried, because Yann seems to be reliving a similar situation with Johanna, comparable to the one he experienced with Alexandra, his wife who died while she was pregnant. Yann tries to reassure him by pointing out that there is a major difference: Johanna is still alive. Although they lost their baby, he tells himself that they have the right to a second chance and he doesn’t want to waste it. He cannot imagine his life without her.

At the farm, Ludo receives a visit from Laura who has come to apologize. After overwhelming her with reproaches, Ludo softens and asks her what will happen to her now. Laura explains to him that her lawyer believes that she risks a suspended prison sentence as well as a fine. However, she must also think about her professional reconversion. Ludo recognizes that he has his share of responsibility in this situation. If he hadn’t acted so cowardly, she wouldn’t be where she is today. Then he apologizes for hurting her.

Eliott escapes the worst

Boris calls Victoire because she is late, although she is supposed to attend a meeting with Elisabeth. The young woman tells him that she is withdrawing from their project, because he left her. Boris tries to convince her to reconsider her decision by reminding her that she signed a contract with them, but without success. Uncomfortable, Boris tells Elisabeth the bad news. He then confides to her that there was a slight disagreement between him and Victoire. Elisabeth deduces that he had an affair with her and lectures him. Then, she calls on Boris to rectify the situation with Victoire.

Eliott, for his part, takes Curtis to the address he gave him. On the way, he informs her that a motorcycle is following them. She intercepts them and blocks their path. Eliott stays calm and asks Curtis what he should do. Suddenly the passenger of the motorcycle, who is wearing a full-face helmet, pulls out a gun. Curtis shouts for Eliott to get down, which he does. But the two bikers just wanted to scare them and then fled. Curtis explains to Eliott that he has made enemies since arriving on the market. They believe that these two individuals work for a certain Keller. This incident makes Muriel’s companion realize that his new job could cost him his life. Curtis tries to reassure him by telling him that he is handling the situation. He adds that they are going to take a break for a few days. Curtis then phones Noam to cancel their meeting.

Boris cannot reach Victoire. To reassure him, Muriel tells him that the young woman does not answer his calls either. She adds that they will manage without her and offers to call other designer influencers. Muriel then asks Boris why he decided to form a relationship with Victoire, especially since they have nothing in common. “I must have forgotten someone” replies Laurine’s brother. Muriel leaves the room without saying a word.

Charles finds Eliott at his garage. Eve’s son admits to her that he works for a drug supplier and that today someone threatened him with a weapon. Charles urges him to stop before it’s too late.

When Eliott returns home, Muriel is looking for premises for their future company. Eliott goes to see his son. After telling her that he loves her, he confides in her that he has gotten himself into trouble and that he doesn’t know how to get out of it.

Un Si Grand Soleil Video Excerpt from October 25, 2024


Such a Big Sunit’s Monday to Friday at 8:40 p.m. on France 3. The series is also available in streaming, replay and on demand on the platform and its mobile application.


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