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Maurine Brioude: the candidate for “Married at First Sight” escapes death, her car completely destroyed

She marked season 7 of “Married at First Sight”. Maurine and Benjamin were 82% compatible but had decided to divorce before the end of the experiment. While the pretty brunette seemed more fulfilled than ever to see her photos and stories posted on her Instagram account, the young woman escaped death. In fact, this October 10, she revealed to her subscribers that she had been victim of a terrible car accident. In the story posted, she presents four shocking photos.

In the first two photos, we can see a black car completely smashed on the left side and, below, a white car that is nothing more than a pile of jail. Images which suggest that the two cars collided as Maurine will specify in the comments. Finally, in the fourth and last photo, the former candidate of “MAPR” is found at the hospital. In this publication, Maurine reveals many details to her fans and tries to reassure them.

Maurine from “Married at First Sight”: after the shock, time for explanations

Absent for some time social networks, these subscribers began to worry and sent him numerous messages privately to try to get news. Faced with their concern, Maurine therefore decided to post a general message. So, she writes to begin with: “I have been absent here for some time. I say thank you to this star that I have above my head which allows me to be alive and to be able to write these few words“.

Then the former bride reveals what happened the day of his accident. “The images speak for themselves. Someone found themselves going the wrong way in my lane of traffic, facing me. In a few seconds, I thought I could avoid it by throwing the wheel hard to the right, but it was already too late. He then hits me violently, throwing me into the ditch.. I didn’t understand anything” adds the former candidate of “Married at First Sight” no doubt still upset.

Maurine subsequently reveals that she was taken to the hospital and specifies that his “steering move” saved his life. “Wounded“, the 30-year-old young woman thanks “all the people who, near or far” we helped him. She continues thanking, also, those who wrote to him, called him, who are there. And she has a huge thought“for his students who he misses. Indeed, Maurine is a Spanish teacher. She concludes by specifying that she is withdrawing a little more from social networks the time of “come back stronger“.


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