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EXCLUDED Fabrice eliminated from Koh-Lanta and “not surprised”: he already knew he would be targeted, that’s why

Reunification should redistribute the cards in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Tribe. After the departure of Emmanuelle, eliminated by the ambassadors Gustin and Sophia, an individual adventure began. At least, on the tests. Because on the council, it was ex-yellows VS ex-reds. And it was Fabrice who paid the price! Near Purepeoplethis equestrian center director looks back on his elimination and talks about his adventure.

How did you feel when you were eliminated?

Of course I felt pain, disappointment, nostalgia. But on the other hand, I was reassured to go out this way. I had no resentment towards anyone. I wasn’t betrayed, I didn’t feel like anyone had a grievance against me. And all this means that, in Koh-Lantait’s a great outing for me.

When the first tie struck, what did you think?

I tell myself it’s normal. With the yellows, we fired at Sarah. And the reds did the same and it fell on me. I’m not being fatalistic at this point and I’m not very surprised either. I knew it could and would even happen to one of us.

During the advice, you indicate that “strong bonds“were woven in a short time between the two teams and that”borders and limits can move“. Did you really believe in these alliances?

At that moment, I firmly believed in the split between the old teams. Because we are in an exceptional configuration with strict equality, seven on one side and seven on the other. And if it doesn’t explode, the team that emerges victorious at the council will have an advantage over the other. It was a bit utopian. I felt a good atmosphere at the reunification… I told myself that the colors could move, now or later.

Why do you think the ex-reds voted against you?

Voting against a girl was not possible: the red girls probably vetoed it. The girls could therefore not be targeted, that was already limiting quite a bit. Thibault quickly showed that he could bring food. Me too but they perhaps didn’t realize it, I did other nurturing activities. Ilyesse is young, he has a lot of enthusiasm, I think the Reds really liked him. Jacques has an ability to get closer to people, he made friends with everyone. Perhaps Frédéric was protected by his status and there was protection between Ugo and him. My name came out somewhat arbitrarily but without any real motivation, I think I had to choose one.

The ex-red girls say they are voting against you because they have little affinity with you. What do you think?

I was caught with Cassandre, I have the impression of having laughed with everyone, of having taken the time to talk, to get to know each other… If they felt that way at the time , that’s understandable. We only have two days to form an opinion. And when I don’t know people, I’m not someone who opens up easily. Perhaps I lacked a little connivance. For me, colluding too much when we don’t know each other is a bit hypocritical and it’s not in my nature.

For your part, why did you vote against Sarah?

It was a bit arbitrary. But it is true that at one point, we formulated a legend between us. We said to ourselves that Sarah would potentially be the brains of the Reds’ strategy. Were we right or wrong? To be discovered later… But the vote could fall on her, on me, on anyone else… We had no grievance against her.

Why did you choose to give your black vote to Thibault?

From the first day of the adventure, we found ourselves cutting wood for the cabin, looking for sea urchins or shellfish, setting up the camp with tables or benches. We were always full of desires and ambitions. He loves the Robinson Crusoe part and so do I. We share the same values. I have a job that is agricultural, even if horse riding doesn’t feed us, and Thibault is a farmer. We work in the same conditions, we both raise animals… We both have similar lives in rural environments. We got along well and so it was normal to give him my black vote.

The sequence where you get angry while cutting coconuts was a lot of fun on X, what do you think of it?

I don’t care, honestly. People who want to laugh can do so. So much the better if I amuse and if I annoy, too bad. At the time, I was myself: a dad who has no news from his daughter and who has not been able to give her any for quite a long time, who is a little worn down by fatigue, hunger, survival. I was with a friend, because I considered Thibault a friend, who was in the same conditions as me, without news of his daughters. In those moments, we don’t pay attention to whether it’s filmed or not, we say what we think. I was disappointed, that’s all.

You ate the reward chicken despite your vegetarian diet. How did you experience it?

To put things in context, the chicken I ate more out of a desire to honor my team because I had drawn a black ball and my team fought valiantly to win it. I told myself that I had to honor the tribe. It’s true that we are also at an advanced stage of the game and I told myself that if later I have a flaw in form, I don’t want to reproach myself for not having given every chance of my side while eating the chicken. At that point, fries might have been enough for me but I still ate the chicken. And as Michel says: exceptional circumstances, exceptional action.

How did your partner and your daughter react?

Everyone: my friends, my family, my riders, my students know that I am vegetarian. I received lots of messages like: ‘So Fabrice, was the chicken good?’ An inspector texted me and said, ‘I hope you liked the chicken!’ And on the other hand Amélie and Cassia understood very well that given the situation, it was not denying my convictions but on the contrary showing intelligence in the adventure.

How did the return to reality go?

I returned to my normal life. I was very happy to find my family, my horses, my living environment. It feels like waking up suddenly from a dream in which so much has happened.

What was your first move?

I made a list of foods I wanted to eat when I got back, as soon as I could get my phone. I was satisfied with my first meal! For a few days, it wasn’t really about quantity but I wanted to eat lots of different things. On Koh-Lanta, I thought every day of a salmon pizza from a particular restaurant. And I was able to realize that very quickly upon my return.

How many pounds have you lost?

I lost around eight kilos. I quickly took them back. It’s much faster than losing them (laughs)! We resume very very quickly. From the moment you eat again, the body swells.

You have been applying for more than 20 years, what memories do you have of this adventure?

I have wonderful memories of it, of incredible encounters which have great value because we experienced very great things and it really creates relationships. I am not part of the generation that experienced military service. And I think it looks like this. An incredible setting, the Philippines is a preserved and splendid place in the world. The people are wonderful.

What has changed in your life since then? Koh-Lanta ?

I haven’t changed jobs and I’m not about to change because I have a passion for a job and I also have a passion for the job. On the other hand, in everyday life, I pay a little more attention to the little things. I tell myself that we have to be less materialistic, that we can be very happy with nothing like we were at the camp. Filipinos are very happy and they have very few things, at least where we were when we gained comfort. In short, refocus on the essentials.

Did the adventure have an impact on the education you gave your daughter?

He is a very curious person and open to the world by nature. I don’t need to change anything.

Exclusive content which cannot be reproduced without mention Purepeople.


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