Stephanie St-Jean, winner of The Voice, ends her career in a moving testimony
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Stephanie St-Jean, winner of The Voice, ends her career in a moving testimony

It is with great sadness that we have just learned that Stéphanie St-Jean, the big winner of the show La Voix in 2016, is ending her singing career. On Facebook, she wrote an extremely touching and upsetting message, mentioning that she wanted to take her own life at the age of 8.

I want to start by addressing Stéphanie St-Jean directly after reading her touching testimony in the last few minutes.

My dear Stephanie, you don’t have to apologize to the media or to anyone. The most important thing, well beyond the music and the spotlight, is that you take the time you need for yourself. We think extremely hard about you and take the time you need.

In 2016, the singer won The Voice with Pierre Lapointe’s team and she had been amazing throughout her journey in the adventure. A talented and very endearing woman.

Here’s what she just posted on Facebook:

« Forgive me in advance for any spelling mistakes. I don’t have the strength to make a video for you but I really need to talk to you. ❤️

Today is Suicide Prevention Day, as you know it is a cause that is particularly close to my heart, because I myself told my mother for the first time in my life that I wanted to die at only 8 years old.

As you know, I love my role as a speaker which allows me to bring hope to people suffering from mental health.

But right now my hope is rather fragile. However, I still speak out loud and clear to feel less alone but also to bring gentleness, understanding and love to anyone who currently feels as fragile as I do.

In my opinion, if I can fight since I was 8 years old, I assure you from the height of my 33 years that I will continue to fight for myself and for you all my life. My determination to make society understand that mental health is not “JOKE” (If you were not already aware of it) is very important. Unfortunately, it is not an adventure without storms or ups and downs.

So that’s why I would like us to take the time to highlight the people who stayed, the people who didn’t make the attempt, and the people who have the courage to continue fighting in a society that often makes us feel like we’re too dysfunctional to live in. ESPECIALLY, the people who continue to ask for help despite the fear of being judged. You are WARRIORS! Nothing is harder in life than having to fight against your own mind every day.

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I have been going through this period for a while now. I realize that despite my efforts, I can’t surf the wave of life as easily as I would like. I imagine that in the world we live in right now, many people are affected in one way or another (whether they have mental health challenges or not).

This is why I recently had to take a moment to recharge my batteries and face the fact that I cannot currently make a living from what I love most in the world: music.

This was not an easy decision to make in a way. Because, you know my love for music will never change.

But my ability to keep my commitments has become such a difficult thing to do and manage because of my anxiety and many other areas of my life that I feel increasingly embarrassed and humiliated by the fact that sometimes I am so paralyzed or frozen that I have to cancel events because I am having an anxiety attack. It is terribly difficult to explain, but especially difficult to live with.

BUT! Beyond all that, I am a person who does not like to disappoint and especially not to make people believe that their events, their interviews, their presence or their support are not important to me. Anxiety acts in spite of me, in my name at present. But even if I suffer, I understand very well that it can disappoint and that is why I want to apologize.

I apologize to my productions, I apologize to my beloved musicians who supported me in this adventure from beginning to end despite the roller coaster, I apologize to you my friends/Fans who have encouraged me from the beginning and I apologize to all the people in the musical field. Whether you are a broadcaster, a journalist, a musician, a stylist or others… It is to you that my most sincere apologies go.

You are all important to me and that is why I have decided to retire from my singing career before burning any more bridges. I am choosing to stop disappointing by taking an indefinite break. I need help and I am currently working on finding my inner flame again.

The story is not over. I might come back one day on the big stage of Quebec. But I know that for the moment the best option is to respect my condition to better respect my values ​​and my convictions towards others and those I appreciate.

Thank you so much for everything.
I love you, see you soon.

Stephanie St-Jean

The Voice

We wish you nothing but happiness and the best for the future.


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