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“I knew it was over”: Giuseppa Ciurleo (Les Marseillais) mourns the death of a loved one

The weekend was tough for Paga and Giuseppa. Giorgia’s mother appeared in tears on Sunday May 5 on Instagram. During the night, she posted an enigmatic message which did not fail to greatly worry her thousands of fans. In fact, the former reality TV candidate had posted a crying emoji on a black background with that of a white dove and the time “04:09”. Aware of the concern that she may have caused among her thousands of subscribers, she decided to speak out, not without emotion. In fact, Giuseppa declared on camera with red eyes: “I wasn’t planning on making a story but I see that you are very, very worried since I posted something last night…”.

“I have always been very sensitive to deaths”

“How can I tell you… I think that yesterday was the most shocking day of my life, the hardest to live through, in fact I really didn’t expect it, it was so brutal, I didn’t no words about what we are going through,” she confided. And to recognize: “I know that there are people who experience much worse, when it happens to us, we can tell ourselves that there is worse elsewhere…”. “We lost Biscotte… Biscotte died… (…) It happened yesterday noon, we were at home and Paga stayed with Giorgia and I had to take him to the emergency room myself. But I knew that it was over, he was dead, I knew why I was going there, I had no hope, I was lucid on that level but when I saw him I still… wanted to ‘he wakes up”she announced.

Then Giuseppa added: “It’s a very complicated ordeal, honestly I’ve always been very sensitive to deaths, people who leave I can’t get used to. Death is such a brutal thing, so hard to live with …”. “Even if it’s just an animal, for us it was our child and we clearly can’t get used to it. For the moment, it’s much too fresh, it’s too shocking (…) Thank you for the people who were worried (…) Without him in the house, it feels so empty.she concluded


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