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“Let’s stop”, nothing is going well between Marwa (The Villa of Broken Hearts) and Rym…

Nothing is going well between Marwa and Rym. On Instagram, Vincent Queijo’s current partner spoke out and made some innuendoes about Maria-Valentina and Alma’s mother, who responded!

Instagram @rym.renom / @marwamerazka

Marwa and Vincent Queijo live a beautiful romance in The Villa of Broken Hearts season 9. Since filming, the two reality TV candidates are still together. In the adventure, the young man came with the problem: “My breakup destroyed me”. Indeed, at the time he had been separated for a very short time from his ex-wife, Rym Renom, the mother of his two daughters. The latter therefore came to the program in order to have a patio with Vincent, with the aim of putting things straight and allowing him to peacefully live his new experience with Lucie Mariotti and the other broken hearts.

Marwa (The Villa of Broken Hearts) breaks the silence for the first time

Marwa therefore had free rein to get closer to Vincent. And while everything seemed to be going well, Gabriel’s great friend ended up emptying her bag in her Instagram story on September 29, 2024. That day, Maria-Valentina, the eldest of Vincent and Rym, celebrated her birthday. A celebration that Marwa wanted to share on her networks, in order to thank the service providers. But her action was very poorly received by several Internet users and by Rym herself. Following a few messages from Rym, who had a hard time being away from her daughter for her birthday (she lives in Bali and Vincent was in , editor’s note), Marwa spoke out.

“I want to speak on a small subject which, this evening, made me slightly sad. Because, I remind you, everyone is in their place and I am not here to take anyone’s role. I I’m a little distraught about all the harassment I’ve been receiving for a few months now. Today I got the wrong role simply because I shared service providers for Vincent’s daughter’s birthday (…) I seek to do good around me and not the other way around (…) I am not the type to enter into controversies but I kept silent for a long time, I took it upon myself and closed my mouth ( …) It will soon be six months since Vincent and I have been together (…) Stop looking for problems where there are none.” she began by writing.

She continued: “It’s too easy to throw stones at me but if people want to expose all this in public I will end up exposing everything that’s going on internally (…) Too good, too stupid. But not stupid a long time.” Then, she concluded, alluding to Force : “And the messages of thanks to your own community which encourage harassment are very serious (…) No one has been able to take their own social networks to say stop, stop all this harassment, for a person who is “ out of this world, which is I love peace”, I have never seen a message to stop all this (…) I refuse to continue to be made to pass for who I am not.”

Rym reacts to Marwa’s message (The Villa of Broken Hearts)

The next day, September 30, 2024, Rym responded in his Instagram story. She wrote: “I have never encouraged my community to harass anyone (…) My story yesterday was simply to thank my community for being by my side in a difficult time.” She continued: “I find it inappropriate to advertise my daughter’s birthday with the aim of obtaining free services. Because that is our role as parents. I never insinuated that there was a bad intention (…) In my conversations with Vincent, I made it clear that I found it normal for her to be present at the birthday. So let’s stop amplifying things or suggesting that I am inciting harassment. “ Very upset, the one who is in the casting of the show Moms and famous ended with these words: “I will stay calm and do things correctly because my lawyer will take over (…) My patience has limits.”


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