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CNews once again dethrones the leader of news channels BFMTV in the month of September

The channel owned by Vivendi is ahead of its rival in audience share for the third time since May. And the gap between the two channels has widened further.

CNews is starting the new season with a bang. With a 3.2% audience share in September, the news channel owned by Vivendi was ahead of the leader BFMTV, which attracted 2.9% of the public, according to figures from Médiamétrie. CNews increased by 0.7 points over one year while BFMTV fell by 0.2 points. Behind, LCI still occupies third place on the podium of news channels with 1.7% audience, down 0.3 points. Franceinfo brings up the rear with 1% of the public, up 0.2 points.

This is not the first time that CNews is ahead of BFMTV. But the gap between the two channels had never been so significant (0.3 points). Supported by its flagship incarnations, Pascal Praud, Sonia Mabrouk, Christine Kelly and Laurence Ferrari, the channel has made a spectacular breakthrough in recent years. After having beaten BFMTV certain days, then certain weeks, and having found itself tied with the leader in December 2023 then last March, CNews had become, for the first time in its history, the first continuous news channel in last May. Another repeat in June.

New management at the head of BFM

BFMTV maintains its leadership based on the number of viewers. The channel bought by the shipowner CMA-CGM, chaired by Rodolphe Saadé, attracts more than 12 million French people every day compared to around 8.6 million for CNews. BFMTV also remains in the lead in the commercial target of 25-49 year olds, sought after by advertisers. Nonetheless, CNews is gaining ground. And it is ahead of its competitors in terms of listening time. Viewers watch CNews for 39 minutes on average. They spend 25 minutes on BFMTV.

While it has just been overtaken again, BFMTV saw the departure last week of Marc-Olivier Fogiel and Hervé Beroud, respectively general director of the channel and deputy general director of BFM RMC. This Monday morning, Rodolphe Saadé’s news channel officially announced the arrival of Jean-Philippe Baille, its new deputy general director for information of RMC BFM and Fabien Namias, the new general director of BFMTV. “Two great information professionals whose experience and journalistic quality will be valuable for this new stage in the development of the RMC BFM group“, declared Nicolas de Tavernost, CEO of RMC BFM. Two new captains who risk quickly being under pressure. “I don’t like being number two», Already warned the new shareholder, Rodolphe Saadé.


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