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Louis (The Voice Kids 2024) reveals the very nice gesture of Claudio Capéo after the semi-final

This Saturday, September 28, viewers watched the semi-final of The Voice Kids 2024. And it was Claudio Capéo’s team that got the ball rolling. The former candidate of The Voicewho became coach this season, had the heavy responsibility of deciding between the last four talents of his team and chose to send Louis to the final. Aged 14, the teenager chose to pay tribute to another tele-hook juror by resuming My lovethe famous title with which Slimane represented at Eurovision. Since his blind audition, Louis has forged strong bonds with Claudio Capéo. In an interview given to Tele-Leisurethe candidate from revealed the very nice gesture of his coach after the semi-final.

“I have a really cool relationship with him.” : Louis (The Voice Kids 2024) confides in his links with Claudio Capéo

Tele-Leisure : Why did you decide to participate in The Voice Kids ?
: I was asked to participate in the show after a singing competition. I immediately liked the idea and I did the castings. I was in , in front of Bruno Berberes [le directeur de casting de The Voice Kids, ndlr]and I was selected. The Voice Kids brings a lot of visibility, it’s a great adventure and that’s why I wanted to participate.

The four coaches turned around during your blind audition, but you chose to join Claudio Capéo. For what ?
I chose Claudio Capéo because the lyrics of his songs move me a lot. Besides, I sang one of his songs, If I had known. I saw that it had touched him and it was one of my goals, to touch him with his song. When he spoke to me, I knew straight away that he was the one I had to choose.

If you hadn’t chosen Claudio Capéo, who would you have continued with?
I don’t know. They are all great artists with incredible careers. I like them all and that’s why the choice was difficult.

What relationship do you have with your coach?
Claudio Capéo is super nice. He listens very well to what we say to him. During rehearsals he gives us a lot of advice. I have a really cool relationship with him.

What are the main pieces of advice he gave you during the adventure?
He gave me advice on technique. He taught me to experience emotions well and to live words well.

The Voice Kids 2024 : Louis, candidate for Claudio Capéo’s team, explains why he chose a song by Slimane

What state of mind were you in before the semi-final?
I was super excited to be on set. Plus, as we go along, we’re getting closer to the final, so it makes us want to continue as far as possible. We all had a great journey and to see that we can continue in the adventure is great.

What did you think of your competitors Giuliana, Inès and Louis?
I would say more that they are my friends. We talked a lot, we had a lot of fun, we shared a lot of things together, as well as with all the other candidates. There was no competitive spirit, we were all united.

Which of the three did you fear the most?
I didn’t fear anyone. I was more focused on what I should do than on what others should do. I just wanted to give it my all.

How did you feel before going on stage?
I couldn’t wait to get back on set. It’s always nice to see that we can once again sing on the stage of The Voice Kidsthat we can still have fun and move the audience.

Why did you choose to perform the song My love of Slimane?
I chose this song because the lyrics tell a great story. I also like the variations in the music. We go up quite high, it’s quite powerful, quite intense. And that’s what I liked.

Were you satisfied with your performance?
Yes, I was really happy. I was in my bubble, I brought the emotions to life, there was no false note. I did exactly what I wanted to do.

Slimane was amazed by your performance. How did you feel when he told you that your cover was the best he had heard?
It made me extremely happy because when you sing an artist’s song, it’s not necessarily an advantage. It’s a difficulty because he sings it every day. He’s the one who created it, who wrote the lyrics, so it’s complicated to move an artist and highlight his song in front of him. I was quite stressed before going on stage and when he told me that, I was relieved. I knew he liked it and that was my goal.

“He has not forgotten us” : Louis (The Voice Kids 2024) “touch” by the beautiful gesture of Claudio Capéo after the semi-final

How did you feel when Claudio Capéo revealed that you were going to the final?
I was super happy. Inès, Giuliana and Louis were serious candidates, they sang incredible songs with a lot of emotion. When I watched them sing, I told myself that I was facing some really big people and that it was going to be complicated to get to the final. When I saw that I had passed this test, it was pure happiness. I thanked Claudio Capéo at the end and I can’t wait to see him again to tell him how happy I am that he chose me.

After the semi-final, did Claudio Capéo promise to stay in touch with you? Did he hold it?
Yes, he held it. He sent us messages to wish us a good start to the school year. He also checked in on us. On his TikTok and Instagram accounts, he posts lots of videos of us. He subscribed to our accounts, he did lots of things to be connected to us on social networks and it’s great. He accompanied us on the adventure and the fact that he didn’t forget us afterwards is really remarkable.. It touched us.

Did you have the opportunity to speak with Giuliana, Ines and Louis after the semi-final?
We saw each other straight away afterwards. There’s a moment when we’re all isolated in our own corner to collect our minds because we’ve been through something really bad, but then we get together and talk. I was happy for them with their journey, and they were happy that I could continue the adventure. These are quite sad moments anyway because we are happy to be taken, but we are sad that the others have to leave.

What is experience The Voice Kids brought you?
The experience gave me more self-confidence on stage. I always had confidence in myself, I never had a lot of stress because I did several musicals in my region and that helped me develop. Thanks to The Voice Kidsthis confidence that I had on stage grew even more. It allowed me to reveal myself to the public.


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