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Cyril Hanouna makes a surprising confession about his past in Face à Hanouna, the public shocked

Live from Face à Hanouna on C8 this Saturday, September 28, Cyril Hanouna made a revelation about his past which shocked the audience of his show. Find out what it is.

This Saturday, September 28, Cyril Hanouna did not miss his daily meeting with C8 viewers. Live from Facing Hanouna: the beforethe host brought together some familiar faces from the channel around the table including Raymond Aabou, Polska, Bernard Montiel, Gilles Verdez and Valérie Bénaïm. This evening, it was Jean Lassale and Brigitte Lahaie who had the honor of being invited to the weekend version of Don’t touch my post. Before receiving them on set, Cyril Hanouna, as usual, revealed an anecdote about his private life. This time, the memory of a former job surprised his group of columnists…

Facing Hanouna : Cyril Hanouna makes a surprising admission about a former job

At the beginning of Facing Hanouna: the before on C8, Cyril Hanouna said that he worked as a seller in the markets before becoming famous. “I did the markets, I sold shirts,” informed the host. “I’m not proud of what I did…”he began before admitting a technique to which he succumbed at the time: “I absolutely wanted to sell and for example when the guy asked me for an M shirt and there was only an L, I went under the display and changed the M shirt, I put it in a paper in L and I said: ‘On l’a.’

Cyril Hanouna booed by the audience Facing Hanouna after his confession

Cyril Hanouna’s anecdote earned him boos from the audience at Facing Hanouna: the before. “It’s horrible… It’s horrible”he admitted about this technique that he used to avoid losing customers on the markets. “There was no label on the shirt”inquired columnist Bahia-Carla Stendhal to whom the host explained: “No because [la taille] It was on the package.” For his part, his sidekick Raymond Aabou judged this process “clever”. Which was not the opinion of the majority of people present on the set!

Facing Hanouna: the beforeto be found in full on the application myCANAL.


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