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Stephany opens up about OD Mexico and her opinion on the guys after watching the episodes

These are three single people who left the homes ofDouble Occupancy Mexico during the second week. Étienne left of his own free will, Shaïna was the victim of a surprise eviction, and Stephany had to pack up following the traditional Sunday elimination evening. That’s a lot of departures in a short time. Looking forward to the arrival of the six new candidates!

Also read: Stephany opens up about diversity at Occupation Double and the impact on her career

As for fans of the show, the progress of the first three evictions caused a lot of discussion, since the current format of the adventure seems to considerably reduce the chances of finding love and may lack fairness.

Shaïna saw her photo come out of the red envelope having never met Félix, Mamadou and Raphaël, while Stephany leaves following a deliberation where the decisions were made by her two roommates, Aleksa and Michaël, as well as two candidates whom she did not have the opportunity to know, Maude and Catherine F..

While many hoped for twist for the return of the two deans of the female cohort, they are indeed back in Quebec.

Stephany spoke to Narcity about her journey to Double Occupancy and his feelings in relation to the boys of the adventure.

Is there anything we haven’t seen from you on television that you wish we could have seen?

“I think the reason I signed up for ODit was to maybe be able to develop a connection and then eventually fall in love and have a relationship. Obviously, since I didn’t have any connection with anyone, it just so happened that the falling in love and relationship side of Stephany wasn’t shown. I think that’s just what I would have liked to be able to share with Quebec. But I’m not disappointed, since ultimately, I believe that the fact of not having ended up in a relationship is a good thing for me as well, knowing that there was no one for me there. »

What surprised you while watching the episodes?

“Félix’s last minute decision to change top surprised me a little. The volatility of boys too. Whether it’s strategic or not, there is a lot of volatility. I don’t think that’s a good characteristic for life partners, and I’m glad I’m not with them after all. »

Many fans are disappointed that two girls can eliminate a girl they haven’t even met. What did you think of the elimination?

“We actually didn’t show it on TV, but I think it would give a little more context to the people behind the TV. Fanny and Catherine took a moment to speak to me when I left. And then, they explained to me the logic behind this elimination. They went instead top 1. They didn’t necessarily have a big say in this deliberation either. So, they instead followed the instructions of the guys from their house as well as the two guys who were there. They instead went with the top 1 of the moment of people at home. »

What did you think of the strategy that led to your elimination?

“I think I could talk about the strategy in general this year instead because I’ve never listened to it initially before. I listened to a few samples, but I didn’t know exactly what they were. But by living this experience, I understood what it meant top 1. Then, I don’t think I agree 100% with this strategy, since it saves people… Wait, I’ll take this part again, but because the top 1, it gives way to an agreement that people make during happy hours, to say to themselves: Do we protect each other together? So, that’s more of it. Instead of trying to say to yourself: Are there several girls on the table? Who has potential to be a partner? Who would be loyal? Who could give a lot as a couple? Because I think that in that case, I would have had a lot of potential. We went instead with the top one rather than with the potential to be a couple, if one wishes.

I had listened to one season, but only half. It was OD In the Westit was during COVID, I had time. But in fact, I didn’t really know the rules of the game. When I look backwhen I look back, I say to myself: ”I’ll see”. There were some things that if I had done a different way I could have stayed for a long time. Now, do I wish I had done things differently? I would say no, because that wouldn’t have been me. I think ultimately the reason people like me is because I stayed myself and didn’t necessarily have a strategy. I went there with an open heart to date, then meeting new people, then potentially developing a connection with someone. »

Who is the most strategic person currently in your opinion?

“I couldn’t tell you, I’m still a fairly naive person in life, and I really believe in what people say. But today, I could say that watching the episodes, someone who had a strategy that really affected me was Raphaël. So, I would say that Raphael may have had a pretty obvious strategy that I could see that affected my journey.

I’m a little disappointed, obviously, with the situation, but at the same time, would I have wanted to stay with potential life partners who see life like that? Maybe not. I think that, as they say in English, it’s a blessing in disguise. I’m happy with my journey and that it ended there. »

After watching the episodes, are you still interested in Carl?

“No, I would tell you that while watching the episodes, Carl was my strongest interest while I was in the house, because I hadn’t listened to the show yet. But now that I’ve listened to the show, I’ll tell you I have zero romantic potential in the house. »

Do you think the result would have been the same if it had been the five guys in the house who had deliberated?

“In fact, as I said, Fanny and Catherine, when they deliberated, it was based on the boys’ affinities. That’s what they told me, and that’s what I also see during the episodes. So, I chose to believe them and trust them, and I think that’s how they deliberated. Now, would the outcome have been the same if I had been in the house with the boys? I don’t think so. I think that being one of the three girls chosen by Quebec gives a big advantage.

“Because, aside from being there to flirt, you also become very friendly with the rest of the boys, which makes it harder to get eliminated when you have no connection.” […] I think if I had been among the girls who spent more time with the boys, I might have had more chances. »

We learned that three new guys will soon be joining the adventure. Could any of them have interested you?

“In fact, I didn’t even have time to look at their portrait, because it seems that with my exit, I said to myself: ‘Does it bring me anything positive to see my possible future husband in the adventure?” No, I think that if they ever end up single after the adventure, and then they have an interest, they can contact me. »

Also read: Everything you want to know about the 3 new guys coming to OD Mexico

Shaïna (29) and you (31) were the two oldest in the houses, while Jimmy was the youngest guy. Do you think age can be a disadvantage?

“ I think it’s like life. If you’re in a group of men younger than you, I think there’s still this taboo. Maybe older women are looking for something more serious, someone who wants to have kids right away. I think it might scare some boys. And vice versa: in a group of older women, a younger man can also scare women. That could have been a factor, but I don’t think in this case [à OD]it was as decisive as coming from a different ethnicity. »

Do you believe that all the candidates who are in the houses are really there to find love?

“I think that by being single and signing up for a reality show to dateautomatically, there is a part of us that has hope. In any case, I want to believe that there is a part of us that has the hope of wanting to find love. Because in the end, I think every human is looking for connections, and then love connections are very important in life, in a human’s journey. I think so, but now, are there people who, perhaps, could get more out of this opportunity, and then who would have seen it before applying? Probably, yes,

ODit’s an experience that will bring you a lot of visibility, and therefore perhaps propel your career, etc. I think that all candidates are aware of this before registering. »

Who could win OD Mexico, in your opinion?

“Maude and Mamadou. They both really have a head on their shoulders. They are very intelligent people, good communicators. I managed to have very deep conversations with both of them. »

What’s next for you?

“I’m back for interviews only. I would like to go surf trip until March, perhaps. February-March. I hope to continue to share a little of myself with people through my Instagram account, if possible.

To read the interview with Shaïna, it’s here.

To read the interview with Jimmy, it’s here.


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