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“Forbidden to smoke”: Yann Barthès takes a columnist in the flag, his reaction is not long in coming

The vagaries of live are inevitable and it is not Yann Barthès who will say the opposite. The host has been on television for many years and he is aware that there are certain sequences which cannot be avoided. This is particularly the case this Wednesday, September 25. As the live broadcast began, viewers were very surprised since Yann Barthès did not immediately address them but to a columnist… A very unexpected lunar sequence, which Closer invites you to discover.

But what happened? While Yann Barthès was preparing to greet the viewers and present the evening’s program, he caught his columnist Paul Gasnier smoking. “Do you smoke?” he asked her. A moment that no one expected, even less the person concerned. A bit embarrassed, Paul Gasnier did not wish to react and he was supported by Julien Bellver who gave a slight smile.
If the columnist hoped that his gesture would go unnoticed, that was not the case and Yann Barthès made him understand it.

Yann Barthès: a host who sticks to the rules

Yann Barthès was rather amused by this situation.
“Smoking is prohibited on set”he said, as if to recall a rule that seems quite logical. For his part, the main person concerned did not react but, when the camera returned to him, we could see that he seemed to be putting something in his pocket. “I assure you, these are electronic cigarettes”, Yann Barthès then told viewers. An important clarification which seemed intended to make Paul Gasnier understand that it was not serious.

To ensure that this sequence did not become something serious, Ambre Chalumeau then had fun with the situation. It’s worse, there’s a strawberry taste now all over the tray “, she said, provoking laughter from the columnists. Indeed, these electronic cigarettes are known to have a fruity smell. A moment that viewers will not soon forget, and even less so Yann Barthès. What tipped him off? A cloud of smoke around Paul Gasnier.

Daily: when his show causes unexpected sequences

This isn’t the first time an unexpected sequence has happened on the show Daily. On September 18, Yann Barthès announced a very surprising countdown. “101 days we wait… And the good news in all this is that we are closer to Christmas than to the dissolution” , he said before continuing:
“Christmas is in 97 days”. So, he asked his team to put up Christmas decorations. For this, the giant screen installed behind him displayed an end-of-year holiday decor.
Enough to destabilize the columnists who had great difficulty concentrating afterwards.

In addition to the Christmas decorations, music started and it greatly disturbed Julien Bellver. “Can we stop the music? Is this serious?” he asked before continuing: “I only start talking again when the music stops” . An embarrassment shared by Pablo Mira who then declared: “It’s going to be like this for 90 minutes!” For his part, Yann Barthès was rather amused and he wanted to maintain the broadcast of this music. “She’s not disturbing at all. It’s great” quipped Ambre Chalumeau, also destabilized.


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