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12 Coups de midi on TF1. Emilien, the show’s great champion, celebrates a crazy birthday


Marie Lamarque

Published on

Sep 25, 2024 at 3:50 p.m.

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Like every lunchtime, he goes back up the grand staircase, his trophy in his arms. Emilienthe great champion of 12 Midday Shots on TF1, history student in Toulouse, seems truly unbeatable. This Wednesday, September 25, 2024, he celebrated a special birthday. For a year now, he has been accompanying millions of viewers every day at lunchtime! And according to the young winner, it’s not about to stop!

“National record”

“It’s a national record,” recalled the famous host of the show, Jean-Luc Reichmann this afternoon, who himself grew up in the Pink City. At the age of 21, Émilien has in fact become the greatest champion in the history of TV games in !

With his rich and impressive knowledge, for 364 days, his prize pool has continued to climb, through his daily victories. “1,092 candidates faced,” the host emphasizes. And he adds, referring to the legendary modesty of the student: “hundreds of gifts, but always a single unique pair of shoes… at 30 euros!”

A special T-shirt

On set, the champion shared his emotion: “I remember the premiere like it was yesterday. I had that T-shirt,” he showed. A thought that made Jean-Luc Reichmann want to make a revelation. Under his jacket, he revealed his own T-shirt, specially created for the occasion, with the image of Emilien and his loved ones, including his girlfriend, Jessica, who was regularly there to support him. “Excellent, but very strange above all,” he replied, a little embarrassed, before being given his own T-shirt.

A jackpot of 1.5 million euros!

Once again, he will be meeting TF1 viewers tomorrow, with his prize money now standing at 1,550,027 euros ! A kitty which notably counts the value of its gifts, with 13 mysterious stars discovered (and as many cars won!).

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As for those who want him to leave, the champion simply replies: “I’m so happy here. These are great moments every time… That’s it, I’m staying!”

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