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Eliminated, a candidate from “Koh-Lanta” pushes a rant

The 6th episode of the show “Koh-Lanta: The Cursed Tribe” had its share of surprises, this Tuesday evening on TF1. In difficulty since the beginning of the show, the yellow team suffered a new disappointment: Mélissa was eliminated.

The red team, led by Ugo, won first the comfort challenge and then the immunity challenge. The yellow team, suffering a fifth defeat in a row, were therefore forced to go to the council to eliminate one of their own.

Melissa, the last to arrive at the camp because she was exiled for two weeks on the cursed island, knew she was in danger. She tirelessly searched for an immunity necklace to save herself.

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Melissa tried everything to get out of it. To overthrow Frédéric. The candidate tried to convince Sophia Charlotte, Ilyesse and Fabrice but in vain: An hour ago I saw myself packing my bag and saying goodbye to Koh Lanta. Now I’m back in the starting line- blocks!” she explained to the cameras.

But at the council, most of her teammates voted against her. ” Ah well the stab there… come on, ciao »she says as she picks up her bag and leaves the adventure. She finally explodes: ” ” I am an honest person, I would never betray the people I committed to. Even the girls I am disappointed, Ilyesse, I am disappointed. »

Sophia, Charlotte and Fabrice explained that they never really adhered to his strategy or promised to vote against their team leader. Ilyesse kept his word and voted against Charlotte. ” You’re doing it to me backwards. At worst tell me you don’t agree! At least I know it ! Are we adults or not? ? », she castigates.

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She then explained the plan to everyone who didn’t know it. ” There was nothing against you Frederic »she assures. “A little bit anyway,” smiles the former winner of Koh Lanta. Later, she counter-attacked: ” You are not known for being loyal, true or false. ? »

Speaking to Télé-Loisirs, Mélissa returned to her outburst. She received a lot of criticism on social networks: “

I was planning to leave without explanations. I was so upset that I didn’t think I had the capacity to listen to anyone. Denis Brogniart brought me back to reason. I told myself that it was time for them to assume responsibility for their choice and give me explanations ” she explains.

Before concluding: “ I was alone against the yellow team, humiliated, betrayed. I only wanted one thing: to leave and live my sadness alone. “.

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