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“I am not for the death of Quotidien” (VIDEO)

For once, this Monday, September 23 Cyril Hanouna took up the defense of Daily. In fact, the talk show of Yann Barthes has been in the spotlight since the publication of a Télérama investigation, in which several employees denounce a problematic working environment.

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Among the sources contacted by Télérama, Gilles Verdez evokes “pseveral anonymous testimonies “, including that of a graphic designer who believes he was fired after 4 years of service, for having participated in a strike by intermittent workers. The production of Daily, justified the latter’s ouster by mentioning “ extended cigarette breaks » and others « actions “.

For me, these surveys are: I take, I throw away!”

And Cyril Hanouna to govern ” Guys, I’m going to tell you the truth. I’m a guy, anonymous, who says ‘I was told that I didn’t have a pen one day in a meeting and I smoked a little too long’… I’m sorry guys, but for me these surveys are: I take, I throw! »

Cyril Hanouna: “ I am not for the death of Quotidien”

” PFor me there is nothing in it! An anonymous person who says ‘I worked at Quotidien and there was a guy who told me why you wore sneakers you should have worn loafers’ I’m sorry, it’s like the Complément d’enquête on me… » the host of TPMPwho mentions the report devoted to him on 2 in 2023. It didn’t take much more for the host to defend his long-time competitor “I’m going to tell you and this will surprise more than one person, but I’m not in favor of the death of Quotidien”…

Read more on Télé 7 Jours

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