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“I don’t give a damn!”: huge clash in TPMP, Guillaume Genton takes it in the face and returns the ball

It all started with a simple tweet. Guillaume Genton made some very notable remarks since he notably mentioned his financial losses when he was younger. Words relayed on social networks and that Fabrice Di Vizio did not fail to comment on, simply stating:
“This must be what they call rich people’s problems!” So while he was a guest on the show
Don’t touch my post This Tuesday, September 24, the two men settled their scores live. “Do you have a problem with rich people?”Guillaume Genton first asks, determined to obtain explanations.

The discussion begins in the greatest calm. “I have no problem with the rich,” confides the main person concerned before continuing: “But apparently you have a problem with wealth given what you did with your money.” Enough to immediately make Guillaume Genton react and ask: “Are you the judge of morality and whether we spent our money well or not?”
The lawyer retorts in turn: “Actually, I don’t give a damn about your life. It’s called freedom of speech…” The discussion continues with Guillaume Genton who adds: “I have nothing against the rich, but bitter tweets like that…”

Guillaume Genton: “I am very happy”

Guillaume Genton continues the debate by mentioning a site which reports on companies’ turnover figures. “Yours made more than 139,600 euros in turnover. You filled your pockets too,” he says before continuing: “At no time did I whine, I complained, I am aware of being privileged, I did shit, I started a normal life again, I’m taking the subway again, I’m very happy, I’m with my wife and my child. What are you tweeting about?” . Enough to make Fabrice Di Vizio react, who particularly mocked the part concerning the metro.
“Ah, if he takes the metro, then it’s worth celebrating. You take the metro? Do you realize what you’re saying? I don’t give a damn about your life,” assures the lawyer.

Fabrice Di Vizio once again brings up freedom of expression, indicating that he doesn’t care if Guillaume Genton is affected by this message. For his part, the person concerned claims that this is not the case, which greatly amuses the columnists. “What I don’t like is that I admired you during covid. I thought we were friends anyway,”

explains Guillaume Genton before adding: “If we are too stupid, go to Arte.” Fabrice Di Vizio assures that the two men are not friends. The tone begins to rise and it is Kelly Vedovelli who speaks, indicating that, When we are aware that things may take a negative turn, we do not speak out.

Guillaume Genton: a much-discussed explanation

During this clash, Cyril Hanouna was at the show and was waiting
“a small cup of hot milk”, aware that this sequence was not necessary. It all started with a simple message since, the day before, Guillaume Genton returned to the money worries he had to face. “I’m not ashamed to say it, I lost 3 or 4 million euros on bullshit!” he first said before giving further explanations. “When you’re a young boy… I come from the provinces, I didn’t have any friends, not many girls, no one was interested in me. And suddenly you have money, everyone wants to be friends with you”, he continued.

Guillaume Genton was transparent, evoking a period during which he did not hesitate to let himself go completely.
“You spend, you do whatever you want, you’re drunk… I ended up with 2 Lamborghinis, 1 Porsche, 3 rental apartments. I earned 100, I spent 150″, he concluded. A revelation that caused a lot of reaction from Fabrice Di Vizio, who did not hesitate to comment, describing this situation as “rich people’s problems”. Enough to make Guillaume Genton react a few hours later since he wanted explanations. A clash that Internet users described as a “sequence of emptiness”.


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