DayFR Euro

These farmers from Hastière, and Walcourt are looking for “love in the meadow”

Thomas ©EDA

This single man is a dairy farmer and broiler farmer on a family farm. He works with his brother.

How did your registration for “Love is in the Meadow” go?

I didn’t really apply myself. I was skiing and during a drunken evening, a friend suggested that I apply. She filled out the questionnaire, took photos of me and the next day, the production called me.

You are about to discover the letters sent by your suitors, following the publication of your portrait last April. What will be your selection criteria?

If possible, I am looking for someone who loves nature, knows the agricultural environment or is at least minimally interested in it. But I do not want someone to assist me, as I am already associated with my brother. Each to their own job. If she has a healthy lifestyle and likes to move around, that is a plus. And for my part, I would like to have children. If she already has some, that is not a problem.

Are you looking for someone in your area?

It would be simpler, indeed. A person who comes from far away will have to adapt and probably move. As a farmer, I cannot abandon my farm.

Roger, 65 years old, from

Roger ©EDA

Married twice, this father of three children and grandfather of five grandchildren is preparing to bequeath his farm to two caregivers. In parallel with his agricultural activity, he is present on the markets.

What do you expect from this reading of letters?

I hope to meet some nice people, but I know I’ll be left a little hungry. They’re just making our mouths water, because they’re not showing us all the letters. We have to put our hopes on the next step, speed dating.

What do you look for in a woman?

I have certain demands on myself. So, I feel I have the right to be demanding of the person who could share my life. I attach importance to both personality and physique. It’s 50/50. I would also like someone who understands my job. Choosing to live with a farmer is choosing to live with your profession.

Do you have a good feeling before starting this adventure?

In my opinion, a favorable outcome is somewhat of an exception. Love cannot be ordered. There must be affinity. Then, a relationship of trust can be established. After that, emotional feelings can develop. From this point of view, I believe I have a sensitivity that is on edge. I have a lot of love to give.

Emmanuel, 45 years old, from Walcourt

Emmanuel ©EDA

This forty-year-old took over the farm from his father and grandfather four years ago. He is the father of a boy, Anthony, aged 24.

Before the opening of the letters, you had the opportunity to spend the evening among farmers. How was it?

Great! We were welcomed in a cottage, where we spent the night. We went to bed in the early hours. It allowed us to get away from the daily grind and release some pressure.

Now, let’s get down to business. How will you select your suitors?

I am looking for someone who is natural, comfortable in their own skin, who exudes something quite simple. I am not interested in artificiality. I do not want someone to work on the farm, but someone who will give me moral support. As long as she enjoys life, moving, taking initiatives, that is fine with me. The ideal would also be for her to come from the region. When you are a farmer, you have very busy days and time is precious.

We understood that the evening between farmers had been festive. Are you looking for someone who is a party animal or not?

No, but I love impromptu evenings, where nothing is planned and on a whim, we decide to go out.


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