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“I didn’t know the show so mentally I wasn’t prepared”

At the end of episode 5 of Koh-Lanta, The cursed tribe broadcast this Tuesday, September 17, Alexandre voluntarily gave up and it was Michel who was designated by his peers to leave the adventure. The young Belgian had been a victim of his hunger and fatigue for several days. Added to this was the fact that he had drawn several black balls that prevented him from fully participating in the experiment. Disappointed but also determined, he left the adventure without any resentment. A state of mind in which the human resources manager continues to be even today several months after the end of filming. For Tele-Leisure, The candidate returned to his participation in the TF1 survival game.

Michel eliminated from Koh-Lanta, The cursed tribe : “It wasn’t my dream come true, but it’s still an incredible opportunity!”

Tele-Leisure : When you come out of the adventure, you look exhausted, how did you experience this moment?
Michael: I felt hungry and quite irritated by my adventure.”I didn’t come to suffer, okay!” (laughs) and on top of that I was only shooting black balls, I felt like I wasn’t experiencing anything.

If you could, would you do things differently?
I think that in life things happen because they are meant to happen. And I didn’t know how it was going to happen, I didn’t know the show and so mentally I wasn’t prepared. Of course, we are always smarter later. The thing that disappoints me the most is that, since the beginning of the show, there are a lot of people who support me. I am disappointed to disappoint them.

Cassandre and you shoot a lot of black balls, was one of the events you missed particularly legendary for you?
Honestly none because I didn’t know any of them before arriving. But I wanted to do them all! Where I could have helped my team the most is on the raft because I’m much lighter than everyone else!

Michael (Koh-Lanta, The cursed tribe) did not know Ugo and Frédéric: “It could have been anyone… except Cristiano Ronaldo!”

How did you experience having former candidates with you?
I didn’t know him, I wasn’t looking Koh-Lanta. It could have been anyone… well except Cristiano Ronaldo ! I didn’t know what Ugo and Frédéric had accomplished and I see everyone in ecstasy in front of them. I still told myself that they must be strong candidates. And besides, Fred could give us tips but in my eyes the two driving forces of the camp were Fabrice and Thibault. I have enormous respect for them.

If you didn’t know the game, how did you want to participate?
I had two friends in Geneva who kept asking me about Koh-Lanta. One day I was with them and I said to them: “You think I won’t?“. I wrote a letter and that’s how it worked. I hadn’t seen anything of the show either, I had still watched the end of the season on which Marc won (Koh-Lanta: Johor in 2015, editor’s note). No it was not the dream of my life but it remains an incredible opportunity!


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