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Isabelle Morini-Bosc victim of a terrible mishap a few days ago, she tells in TPMP

This Tuesday, September 17, in Baba’s Tribe On C8, Isabelle Morini-Bosc told Cyril Hanouna about her terrible mishap that happened last Sunday. A story that she concluded by revealing that she had filed a complaint at the police station…

A week after taking over the reins of his show We are walking on our heads on Europe 1, Cyril Hanouna made his return to C8 for the new season of Don’t touch my post. Around the table, he found his columnists, notably Isabelle Morini-Bosc who, after a long absence, made her return to the show. On this occasion, the presenter had addressed a few words to her.Oh, she’s back, look how beautiful she is, how pretty she is and how she doesn’t change, really, she’s the same person. I wanted her to come back with us Isabelle, we missed her” he said.

Baba’s Tribe : Isabelle Morini-Bosc victim of a theft, she tells what happened

This Tuesday, September 17, in the first part of Don’t touch my post baptized Baba’s TribeIsabelle Morini-Bosc shared her “falling for something“of the day”for a gentleman who made headlines for taking action against a pickpocket at Barcelona airport.He stopped her and tied her with her clothes to a railing while waiting for the police to arrive if they were to arrive. It particularly affected me because on Sunday my cell phone was stolen and it left me hairy.” she revealed.

He put his hand underneath, took my phone and left.

Cyril Hanouna then asked him to say more about his terrible mishap.I was sitting. There was a gentleman, he came, he stuck a sheet under my nose like that and while I was looking at his sheet which said that he was getting out of detention, I was saying to myself: ‘Do I have money in my pocket to give him?’ He put his hand underneath, took my phone and left.“, she said. She ran after her, eventually catching up with her.”I grabbed him by the collar and he said to me: ‘It’s not me!’ while I hadn’t said anything yet. He got into the subway, I stayed with the jacket in my hand, he picked up his jacket, he left, I didn’t see him. I was furious. If I could have tied him up, I would have tied him up.“, she continued. She then spent two hours at the police station where she filed a complaint.

Baba’s Tribeto be found in full on the application myCANAL.


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