he loses one of his historical columnists…
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he loses one of his historical columnists…

At the helm of a new edition of the show L’heure des pros on Friday September 6, 2024 on CNews, Pascal Praud clearly had a little pang in his heart when announcing the departure of one of his historic columnists.

Friday, September 6, 2024, Pascal Praud was at the helm of a new edition of the show called L’heure des pros on CNews. That day, the host said goodbye to one of his iconic columnists.I am sad and you know why. Noémie Schulz leaves us“, announced the journalist on air.

“Professional adventures are like that. I’ve changed houses sometimes. What’s normal is professional life.”Pascal Praud then continued. As a reminder, Noémie Schulz had been working as a police-justice journalist within the CNews editorial team for many years.

Pascal Praud: “I will miss you and we will miss you at CNews”

“I wanted to first tell you how much I respect you. Professional respect and friendship too, since we forge very strong bonds together at work. With the passage of time sometimes, it is more difficult to be friends of course because we are often friends when we are young and we have time. But there is a feeling that I find replaces friendship in professional life, it is esteem”the presenter also stressed.

“Indeed, your intellectual quality, your rigor, the way you have operated (…) for so many years. I will miss you and we will miss you at CNews. I am sad, I am really always sad when people leave and especially with those with whom I have formed, we have formed, a bond”also added Pascal Praud.

Noémie Schulz: “I think you made me a better journalist”

“Sometimes I teased you on the sets, and you were right to remind people of the law, and to remind them of the rules. I can sometimes allow myself to make comments but not you, you are very strict. So you are going to go to another house that is very lucky to have you.”finally concluded the journalist, visibly moved by the departure of Noémie Schulz.

“I wanted to thank you, I learned a lot by coming to L’heure des Pros. It wasn’t easy the first few times a little over 7 years ago. You taught me how to do journalism differently. That is to say, to get out of what you might have written, to give more of yourself, to tell the story of justice differently… You gave me an incredible space to bring to life this subject that I am passionate about. I think you made me a better journalist.”his now ex-columnist replied.


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