Laure (Married at First Sight) gives some rather unsettling news about her baby
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Laure (Married at First Sight) gives some rather unsettling news about her baby

Laure (Married at first sight) confided in her new anxieties for her little Rose, born a few weeks ago. The little girl is having difficulty breathing.

Laure and Matthieu are among the couples who formed thanks to the experience Married at first sight and that last. 79% compatible according to experts, the two lovebirds are still living the perfect love story. They became the happy parents of Lya in August 2021, who has just had a somewhat complicated first day at school. And on July 7, little Rose came to complete their happiness. “Our second little wonder arrived on Sunday July 7 at 2:45 p.m. like a flower. A beautiful flower of 3.810 kg all the same”, he had announced on Instagram. The happy mother had confided that her delivery had been accompanied by a few minor inconveniences.

Rose eats very little, which worries Laure (Married at first sight)

Laure had already shared on Instagram her little girl’s health concerns, worrying about not being able to get a quick appointment with the pediatrician.For a few days now, she has had an eye infection with lots of spots that have developed mainly around the eyes.”she had shared. This Friday, September 6, she was again concerned about her little girl’s health. “Rose is still sick. Lots of phlegm etc. which makes it difficult for her to breathe. We’ll keep an eye on her because it shouldn’t get any worse… She eats very little while I eat very small, very fractional quantities,” she shared with her followers. In the next story, she was happy that the little girl was able to drink a little. “Small victory, she managed to drink 60 ml”, she congratulated herself.

Rose had been placed in intensive care after birth

Laure told her subscribers about her childbirth and her first fears for her little Rose. “From the moment I started pushing, she was out within a minute. […] She came out very quickly but she was actually all purple. Apparently the transition was too fast.”she had said. Victim of a “breathing discomfort“, she had to be taken to “intensive care”. “We went back up to the room later and the doctors came to see us and told us that we had to take her down to check everything. We went down with her and spent the night in intensive care,” she had revealed. These concerns had fortunately been quickly allayed.


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