Marina Carrère d’Encausse firmly reframes her famous guest and throws a chill on the set

Marina Carrère d’Encausse firmly reframes her famous guest and throws a chill on the set
Marina Carrère d’Encausse firmly reframes her famous guest and throws a chill on the set

Marina Carrère d’Encausse presents “Enquête de santé”, on 5, where it is a question of discussing themes around health in the presence of speakers and guests. Recently, she found a personality well known to the French… whom she did not fail to reframe sharply, casting a chill on the set.

After leaving The Health Magazine, Marina Carrère d’Encausse remained on the small screen. On France 5, she took charge of a new program on the same theme called Health survey. On set, she is surrounded by guests and witnesses with whom she debates different everyday issues, but not only that. Tuesday December 17, 2024, she received several personalities. And while she was trying to conduct an interview, she replaced a star well known to everyone!

During Enquête de santé, Michel Cymès’ sidekick was asked to speak with the trio Les Soignantes, doctors who are also singers and who give voice on stage but also in the hospital. However, the exchange could not be carried out correctly. And for good reason, a few meters away, another guest was chatting. It’s Marianne James! The latter did not know how to remain silent when Marina Carrère d’Encausse needed it. And the latter did not hesitate to let him know. “No, but if you talk all the time Marianne, I won’t be able to do it myself.“, she blurted out to her guest. And added, looking annoyed: “I can’t hear myself anymore. No but it’s true…“Finally, Marina Carrère d’Encausse ended up blurting out, laughing:”Do you want to sing too while I speak?“On her side, the one who touched”a golden salary“in the New Star didn’t say a word. But his very closed face says a lot…

Marina Carrère d’Encausse comes back to life since she left Le Magazine de la santé

Remember that the departure of Marina Carrère d’Encausse from Health magazine was complicated. Initially, the program was doomed to disappear. But ultimately, it was renewed for a new season… without the 63-year-old host. Indeed, it is Doctor Jimmy Mohamed who has taken over the controls of the show. And no question for the one before her to watch this new version. “Honestly, I’m going to take advantage of having the right to lunch, which I haven’t been able to do in twenty-six years because we were live!“, she declared to our colleagues at Parisian. A new life that has begun for her!

Original article on Purepeople



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