Benjamin Duhamel: demolished directly by Cyril Hanouna

Benjamin Duhamel: demolished directly by Cyril Hanouna
Benjamin Duhamel: demolished directly by Cyril Hanouna

A sequence that is creating a buzz. This Tuesday, December 17, 2024, Manon Aubry (LFI), Julien Odoul (RN), Sandrine Rousseau (Ecologists), Karim Bouamrane (PS) and Léon Deffontaines (PCF) were the exceptional guests of Benjamin Duhamel on the set of The BFM Assembly. A meeting that unfortunately did not go as planned…

The reason? Julien Odoul and Manon Aubry violently clashed in front of the channel’s cameras. And this, after a reflection considered sexist on the part of the National Rally deputy.

Calm down, relax Madame Aubry, have a glass of cold water!“, he said before being severely reframed by the host: “Stop! We’re going to make things extremely clear Julien Odoul, we don’t talk like that to debaters, we don’t say “have a glass of water and calm down”, these are things that are unacceptable. On this set, there is no partiality on my part in the way I conduct the debates. You had the floor and I remind you that in a discussion we do not address people, especially the two women who are on this set, by telling them “calm down, drink a glass of water”. This is unacceptable“.

Cyril Hanouna not tender with Benjamin Duhamel

Always on the lookout for current events, Cyril Hanouna did not mince his words. This Wednesday, December 18, 2024, on the set of Don’t Touch My Postthe PAF troublemaker strongly criticized his colleague’s broadcast, which he described as “catastrophic“.

This is the worst PAF show currently“, he declared in particular before attacking his rival: “He is not in our world, Benjamin Duhamel. How do you expect him to host a show like that? He doesn’t know the French, he doesn’t understand anything“.

And to continue: “What drives me crazy is that he says ‘a fortiori to both women’, and that’s where the sexism is. You have to talk to a woman like you talk to a man, he’s completely wrong. He still has work to do… And I didn’t like how he spoke to Julien Odoul. Me, a guy who talks to me like that on set, I get fined 3.5 million. In addition, since he has no authority, he tried to use a loud voice. Benjamin, relax… When you don’t know how to do live, you don’t do it“. A clear-cut opinion which may not please the person concerned…

Mentioned in this article



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