Marine (Star Academy) criticizes Franck for his lack of consideration for others

Marine (Star Academy) criticizes Franck for his lack of consideration for others
Marine (Star Academy) criticizes Franck for his lack of consideration for others

The only link that the students of the Star Academy have with their loved ones, it's the red phone! Every day, they each have one minute of telephone time. Recently, Marguerite learned that her brother had given her first name to his niece who was just born. For his part, Ulysses was troubled by a sentence from his girlfriend. The problem for students is that a minute goes by quickly… very quickly! So sometimes, they share their time to accumulate it and have a little more than a single minute of communication

Marguerite (Star Academy) would like more time on the phone

In the live of the Star Academy on TF1+, Marguerite let Maïa and Marine know that she would like to make her daily phone call to get news of her niece via her brother. “If there is someone who is keen to give me their minute, I admit…”she said. To which Marine replied: “I gave it on Friday, I couldn't call yet. So, it’s been two days since I called.” Marguerite, who once again fell out with Charles, completely understood her comrade's refusal: “That’s a lot, I understand you.” Despite everything, nothing is set in stone for Marine who could well give Marguerite her minute. “Maybe I won’t want to call, we’ll see”she told him.

Marine (Star Academy) : “He never takes his time and he doesn’t warn”

As for Maïa, she does not intend to give her minute, because she needs to hear from those close to her “to be reassured”. Marguerite then told them: “Admit that you are betting everything on Franck so that he gives his minute.” This conversation was an opportunity for Marine to emphasize the fact that their comrade does not always use his daily minute and the problem is that he does not share it with others. “The problem is that he never takes his minute and he doesn't warn you. So you wake up the next day and you see that there is a minute left, because he didn't take it.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6médias.

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