Le Figaro closer to Notre-Dame

Le Figaro closer to Notre-Dame
Le Figaro TV closer to Notre-Dame

Jean-Christophe Buisson presents an exceptional number of “Club Culture” (9 p.m.), from the barge The Sound of the Earthmoored at the foot of Notre-Dame.
Virginie Le Trionnaire/Le Figaro

The Culture Club and all of the channel's broadcasts will be relocated to the foot of the cathedral this Wednesday, December 4.

After broadcasting and commenting live, for two hours, on the first images filmed inside Notre-Dame, last Friday during President Emmanuel Macron's last site visit, the Figaro teams are preparing to further edit in regime. « We are dedicating all the broadcasts of our channel, this Wednesday 4 December, when the cathedral reopens, of course with a view to the inauguration next weekend », rejoices Vincent Roux, editor-in-chief and presenter who explains that the journalists are already on the ground, near the miraculous building. With broadcasts filmed either in a studio installed on a barge, or from a terrace located behind the apse of the building.

« We wish, he continues, shine the beauty of the place. We will start the day at noon with the program that I present, “Points de vue”, in which we will notably receive Jean-Marie Guénois, specialist in worship for Le Figaro. He will be interested in the religious dimension of the reopening of the cathedral. We will continue with an interview with Philippe Jost, the president of the public establishment, who was the project manager of the work and who is the successor of General Georgelin. Finally, the historian Mathieu Lours, author of Rebuild Notre-Dame de , the official book of the restoration, will look back on the different stages of this rebirth ».


The other emblematic programs of Figaro TV will also aim to celebrate and promote the cathedral. Thus, in “Le Buzz TV” (6:30 p.m.), Damien Canivez and Sarah Lecoeuvre will receive CNN’s American correspondent in Paris Melissa Bell. Then, in “Bienvenue en Île-de-” (7 p.m.), Victoire Sikora will notably welcome the chief architect of historic monuments Philippe Villeneuve, the restorer of mural paintings Marie Parant and the journalist from Figaro heritage specialist, Claire Bommelaer.

Sylvain Tesson, featured guest

In prime time (9 p.m.) Jean-Christophe Buisson will present an exceptional number of his “Club Culture” with personalities who maintain an extraordinary relationship with Notre-Dame. « I welcome as a featured guest Sylvain Tesson, who has not only written numerous texts on the cathedral, but who knows it intimately, having climbed it numerous times », explains the deputy editorial director of Figaro Magazine about the travel writer, author in particular of a collection entitled Our Lady, oh queen of pain, released at the end of 2019. The journalist adds: « After his serious accident (a fall in 2014 in Chamonix, Editor’s note) and of course before the fire, Sylvain obtained authorization from the Archbishopric of Paris, for his rehabilitation, to access a staircase closed to the public, in order to climb one of the towers of Notre-Dame every day. This illustrates his physical proximity to this building and gives particular relief to his pain when he saw the flames bring down the spire. »

Alongside Sylvain Tesson, another travel writer: Édouard Cortès. « He lived for a year in cabins in the forest, he recounted his experience, then there was the fire. He then decided to sign up to be a journeyman and become a knacker. He cut wood and then he was, until last summer, on the frame installing the cathedral forest », confides, admiringly, Jean-Christophe Buisson. Also on set: the painter Laurence Bost, who, to pay tribute to the craftsmen, painted the portrait of around forty of them in situ. As for the journalist from Figaro History Luc-Antoine Lenoir, he presents the special issue Notre Dame. Passion and resurrection. Just before the broadcast (10 p.m.) of the documentary Paris firefighters : Save Notre-Dame (read below).



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