Cyril Hanouna can't believe it after the intervention of a listener on Europe 1

Cyril Hanouna can't believe it after the intervention of a listener on Europe 1
Cyril Hanouna can't believe it after the intervention of a listener on Europe 1

Of l’agitation in the government commented on the set by Cyril Hanouna. After the announcement by the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, of a 49.3 to pass the social security budget without a vote this Monday, December 2, the National gathering announced to vote censure. This is also the case for the rebellious who wants to submit a motion of censure. It should be voted on this Wednesday, December 4. If it is voted for by a majority of deputies, the Government should resign again. Cyril Hanouna caused a reaction listener in his show We walk on our heads on Europe 1.

A listener rants on Cyril Hanouna's show

François, listener, reacted to the latest news with Cyril Hanouna. “We are in the Bouillabaisse politics, They’re crabs! They all bite each other's tails. It's a scandal to see politics too shabby than that!” he expresses, angrily. “We will have to debureaucratize all that, especially those who have pharaminous salaries, but which do nothing. We are incapable of manage the masses, we have to take a consulting firm, do you realize?” He then tackled the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier. “It’s a system that'we cannot debunkwhether it's right, left, whatever. Mr. Barnier is a Gaullist and he taxes like the communists. That's why he's going to skip this one. He is forced to leave. All right-wing people don't (…)

Read more on Closer


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