Audiences November 2024: CNews passes three times and is ahead of BFMTV, stable, LCI the only news channel in decline, Franceinfo stalls

Audiences November 2024: CNews passes three times and is ahead of BFMTV, stable, LCI the only news channel in decline, Franceinfo stalls
Audiences November 2024: CNews passes three times and is ahead of BFMTV, stable, LCI the only news channel in decline, Franceinfo stalls

This start of the season is definitely working to the advantage of CNews. Médiamétrie published, this Monday, December 2, 2024, its monthly audience report covering the period between November 4 and December 1, 2024. For the third consecutive month, the Canal+ group channel, credited with an audience share average of 3,1%domine BFMTV (2,8%). This is the biggest gap between the two channels (0.3 points), in favor of CNews. Third in this core activity, LCI (1,7%) is the only news channel in decline this month (-0.1 point over one year), far ahead of Franceinfo (0,8%), stable but far from the audience share point.

CNews up sharply over one year

In detail now, CNews is achieving the strongest growth (+ 0.6 points for the entire public versus November 2023). Its monthly audience share, stable over one month, was boosted by several historical records: “La matinale”, presented by Romain Desarbres, for example, brought together 370.000 viewers between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. on Wednesday, November 6, the morning of the results of the American presidential election.

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That same day, “Midi News”, a mid-day program presented by Sonia Mabrouk, resonated with 475.000 viewers and 4,7% of the public. Thanks in particular to these two performances, CNews recorded its best day of the season on November 6 (4,5% average audience share). On Friday, “La grand interview de Romain Desarbres”, co-broadcast on Europe 1, reached new heights on November 8, with 525.000 viewers and 15,6% of the public at the 8:10 a.m. meeting. For the first time this season, CNews was more followed than BFMTV on a weekend day on Saturday November 16 (2.7% compared to 2.6%).

On its preferred targets, CNews recorded audience shares at their highest level for the month of November (2.5% for CSP+ and 1.9% for 25-49 year olds).

Exceeded, BFMTV stable over one year

Despite the change of shareholder and the arrival of a new staff – embodied by Jean-Philippe Baille and Fabien Namias – BFMTV, below 3 points of average audience share since the start of the season, remains, for the moment, in second position. This month she was once again tamed by CNews during the week. And this, even on the day of the results of the American presidential election (4.4% for BFMTV on November 6 against 4.5% for CNews), a type of exceptional event generally more favorable to Rodolphe Saadé's channel.

Only Thursday, November 21, a day of snowy weather, was an exception to this rule: on that day BFMTV was the only one to claim leadership with an average audience share of 3.8% compared to 3.7% for CNews.

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Far behind, LCI (1,7%), despite its international focus, did not benefit, unlike its rivals, from the American presidential election. The news channel saw its audience share decline by 0.1 points over one year.

Channel 26, followed by up to 2.2% of the public on average on Wednesday November 27, 2024, however had a good last week in November with 4 days out of seven above 2 PDA points. Over the entire period, it also claims leadership in the 9 p.m.-midnight slot, which notably includes the program “10 p.m. Rochebin-Broussouloux”. In the morning, “Le 6/9 avec Jean-Baptiste Boursier” erased a two-year-old record for the box with an audience share of 5.9% and 150,000 viewers on Wednesday November 6.

In last position for all channels combined, Franceinfo, driven by the American presidential election at the start of the month (up to 1.2% of the public on average on Tuesday November 5 and Wednesday November 6), won over this month alone 0,8% of the public (stable over one year).

Audiences for news channels in November 2024

(channel / market share / evolution over one year / evolution over one month)

1. CNews: 3.1% / + 0,6 / =
2. BFMTV: 2.8% / = / – 0,1
3. LCI : 1,7% / – 0,1 / + 0,1
4. Franceinfo: 0.8% / = / – 0,1



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