This Spanish series is a hit on Netflix and has even dubbed The Bridgerton Chronicle

This Spanish series is a hit on Netflix and has even dubbed The Bridgerton Chronicle
This Spanish series is a hit on Netflix and has even dubbed The Bridgerton Chronicle

If you like adventures that mix love, action and suspense, look no further, Netflix has the series for you.

In recent years, the Netflix platform has allowed the whole world to discover very high quality Spanish films and series. Several have even been a hit with audiences, we are thinking in particular of The Money Heistor The telephone girls. And 2024 is no exception to the rule, a series released just a few days ago has just dethroned season 3 of The Bridgerton Chronicle in first position in the Netflix ranking. We present it to you.

A series based on true events

Some audiovisual productions get a little lost in scenarios that lack credibility and realism. This is not the case with this new Netflix series since it is based on real facts that occurred in Spain in the 1990s. For the writing of the synopsis, the screenwriter Jorge Guerricaechevarría was inspired by the Galician police’s Operation Nécora. A gigantic intervention launched to dismantle a vast drug trafficking network.

This operation led by judge Baltasar Garzón led to the arrest of 51 people, including Manuel Charlín Gama, a powerful drug lord. The patriarch of the Los Charlines clan had also been sentenced to a long sentence. This is not the first fiction to be inspired by this story. In 2018, the series Flour: Cocaine Coast had already decided to put on screen this case which had shocked Spain.

The Coke Clans

In The Coke Clansthis series which is therefore inspired by this incredible story, no trace of Charlín Gama, but a character Daniel Padí played by the actor Tamar Novas. Series fans had already seen him in After you, chaos dating from 2020. He is on screen accompanied by Actress Clara Lago already seen in The Passenger or The End. And their love story fascinates subscribers of the American platform.

This hit Netflix series is not purely biographical, the characters are in fact fictional. Spectators therefore follow the adventures of Ana, a young lawyer who recently arrived in the town of Cambados. His goal: to understand the causes of his father’s death. So she decides to put her life on the line. infiltrating a drug trafficking cartel. This quest then mixes action, revenge and love stories.

Moreover, from the first ten minutes of the series, spectators take bets to know how many episodes will be necessary for the honest young girl to succumb to the charm of the criminal with the big heart and multiple schemes. In this series, the handsome guy pilots planes, boats, drives racing cars at full speed in action scenes mixed with a detective intrigue and a love game which seduced the public.

A real audience success

The Spanish series is a real ratings success. In France, it has therefore overtaken La Chronicle of the Bridgertons. In one week, it is placed number 1 in the Top 10 Netflix series France. Its seven suspenseful episodes leave the audience in suspense and it is not the end of season 1 that will satisfy the viewers. All those who have seen it are already waiting for the platform to announce a season 2.



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