Three years after an exceptional season 1, the animated series Arcane is back with new episodes since November 9, 2024. The opportunity to meet new characters, like a mysterious Peacemaker, who unexpectedly toasts with Vi.
In just three episodes revealed on Netflix, from November 9, 2024, Arcane has already introduced many new characters in its season 2. We obviously think of Isha, a mysterious little girl who follows Jinx like her shadow and who could well have a link with League of Legends.
But on the Piltover side, too, new faces have appeared. From the first episode, Vi meets a Peacemaker, completely drunk, with whom she decides to drink to forget her despair, in the streets of the city. Who really is this silent man?
Warning, the rest of this article contains spoilers for the first three episodes of season 2 ofArcane.
A visibly important character
From episode 1 of season 2 ofArcanenew moral dilemmas confront Vi. In addition to having to find and potentially kill her sister, Jinx, she must choose a side. Caitlyn indeed suggested that he join the ranks of the Peacekeepers, the police force of Piltover, who massacred Vi and Jinx's parents in their childhood. Torn between her principles and her duty, she wanders the streets in despair.
It is right at this moment that she comes face to face with a Peacemaker who seems just as sad as the young woman, with whom she will drink whole bottles of alcohol until dawn. Like Vi, this man then joins the small team specially created by Caitlyn to track down and capture Jinx, in Zaun. According to the credits of the credits ofArcanethis character, introduced as a rather important protagonist, is called Loris. His similarities with several champions of League of Legends do not appear trivial.
Braum, Graves, Vander or all three at once?
Fans of the game have noticed that this famous Loris has an appearance identical to that of Graves, an outlaw and mercenary. Problem: this playable champion absolutely does not hang out in Zaun or Piltover, but rather comes from another region of League of Legends : Bilgewater. It would therefore be extremely surprising to find it in the places depicted in Arcane.
Loris also recalls another character from LoL: Braum, a fighter with enormous muscles. During episode 3, Loris uses a shield strangely similar to the one used by Braum in the game. But again, the latter absolutely does not reside in Piltover or Zaun, but rather in Freljord.
Furthermore, Loris' physique is similar to another key hero of the series: Vander, the adoptive father of Vi and Jinx. On Reddit, some fans even speculated that it could be his brother, as the resemblance is so striking. Vander's family was never mentioned in Arcaneso this theory still remains possible, for the moment.
In any case, Loris will inevitably have a capital importance in the continuation ofArcane. First, he is the only character to have left the council room after Caitlyn's rise to power at the end of episode 3. He then seemed very disappointed by the turn of events, which could confirm the hypothesis that he is linked to Vander: the latter witnessed the death of Vi and Jinx's parents, while Caitlyn in turn seems to want to reign destructively over Zaun.
However, Caitlyn could have explicitly asked Loris to meet Vi, in order to convince her to join the Peacekeepers, in episode 1. Her past, her motivations as well as her alliances therefore remain an immense mystery, which should be resolved in the rest of season 2 ofArcane.
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