America’s best satire is back

Homelander, where Donald Trump if he had been Superman, owes a lot to the immense talent of actor Anthony Starr.Image: Amazon

The most irreverent series on the small screen is finally back on Prime Video for a season 4 that takes live shots at Trumpism.

Sainath Bovay

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The thing with The Boys, is that any resemblance to reality is not really coincidental. As a reminder, the series, inspired by the eponymous comic strip, presents itself as a cynical version of Avengers anchored in a reality where all the excesses of the United States are exacerbated.

The series, which has been wanted for two years now, has been delayed by the writers’ strike. She still managed to satisfy her fans thanks to her excellent spin-off series. Gen Vwhich this time put “Gen Z” in the spotlight at the heart of a campus for budding superheroes.

Marvel but in real

Created by the multinational Vaught using a serum that randomly grants powers to those who sold their children to the company, this financial and media empire uses superheroes as pure products of capitalism.

To do this, it plays on everything that makes up the soul of America in its darkest aspects: the star system, bigotry, white supremacy and many other flaws.

All of its themes are obviously found in an emblematic character to whom the series owes its success: the all-powerful Homelander (or the Protector if you are in the VF team) brilliantly played by actor Anthony Starr. A sort of sociopathic Donald Trump who would have inherited the powers of Superman, he is the ultimate antagonist of the “Boys”, the gang that we have now followed for four seasons in their desperate attempt to bring down the superheroes and the multinational that created them.

Season 4 in pictures:

Video: watson

In the previous season, the character Starlight (Erin Moriarty) revealed the true face of Vaught and his superheroes. While a segment of the population sides with the heroine, Homelander finds himself at the head of the Vaught company and benefits from total impunity, to the point that even assassinating an opponent in front of everyone sees him. deserves the unconditional support of his supporters.

Galvanized fans whom he now encourages to fight the “non-binary socialists and atheists” from the progressive camp. Homelander has definitely become a satire of a Donald Trump in tights, subject to the fear of aging and the irrepressible need to be loved.

Bad, but far from stupid

The Boys has always denounced extremes since its beginnings and this new season is no exception to the rule, always with a certain panache and a pronounced taste for violence and gritty humor. The bodies are still being torn apart and the uncomfortable sex scenes between superheroes each time demonstrate crazy ingenuity.

The series constantly shines with its irreverence and this season 4 interferes in a season more political than ever with its pitched war between progressives and conservatives. These first three episodes do not fail to tackle the QAnon movement, to make a nice reference to the trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, or to present a Christian and hilarious version of Holiday on Ice.

Welcome to Truthcon, the convention where conspiracy theorists can unleash their best theories.

Welcome to Truthcon, the convention where conspiracy theorists can unleash their best theories.Image: Amazon

The Boys, it’s the series that dares everything, all the time, and which parodies excessively with such accuracy that some people don’t even see the second degree in it.

Hop, little French tackle.

At the dawn of the American presidential elections on November 5, 2024 and the explosion of the far-right in the last European elections, The Boys is definitely a feel-good outlet. The series, planned for five seasons, proves once again that it is one of the best current productions and undoubtedly the most… “woke”.

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