Romy says goodbye to Rayane, Lilou victim of the serial rapist! The summary of episode 1802 of Tuesday October 29, 2024

Romy says goodbye to Rayane, Lilou victim of the serial rapist! The summary of episode 1802 of Tuesday October 29, 2024
Romy says goodbye to Rayane, Lilou victim of the serial rapist! The summary of episode 1802 of Tuesday October 29, 2024

Tuesday October 29, 2024 in Tomorrow belongs to us At the police station, Michaël firmly reframes Nordine, who alone and vehemently arrested Anatole Fauvet, the main suspect in Rachel's rape. The tempestuous young cop admits to having screwed up and explains that he did this because of Rachel. For her part, Sara tells Nordine that she understands her action but that it is nevertheless a professional mistake, especially since nothing says that Fauvet is really the individual they are looking for.

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Is Samuel seeing an escort girl?

Early in the morning, Aaron and Gabriel again surprise a woman coming out of Samuel's room. They are amazed to see him shamelessly and shamelessly frequenting an escort girl. That's when Bruno shows up to fix Aaron's dishwasher. At the hospital, after surprising Samuel taking pills, Victoire asks about his health. He reassures her: he is not having a relapse, he is simply taking paracetamol for his back pain! She slips to him even though she knows that he frequents escorts… Samuel, amused, reveals to her that the woman leaving his house early in the morning is his osteopath! At the end of the day, it's a playful Samuel who tickles Aaron about the situation. Informed by Victoire, the latter admits to having made a mistake. For his part, unaware of anything, Bruno comes across the woman at Spoon who came out of Samuel's room that same morning. Believing that she is indeed an escort, he makes allusions and the discussion quickly becomes a real misunderstanding.

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Romy says goodbye to Rayane

At the Roussels, breakfast is eventful for Rayane. According to Lizzie, Jordan and Jack, he must pass tests if he wants to fully integrate into their family. According to their “rules”, he must: arrange the cereal boxes according to their sizes, clean the patio door of the terrace… At each step, he will find a word, which will form in fine a sentence to reconstruct. Shortly after, Rayane finished washing the shower and already counted three words of a sentence… which he had already guessed. But above all he understood that these trials were a way for Lizzie, Jordan and Jack to make him understand that he had not helped much with the household chores. The Roussels then consider that Rayane is officially part of their family. Moved, the latter thanks them for their support. At the Spoon, Lizzie insists that Rayane go see his mother before she leaves. Reluctant at first, he ends up being convinced to go to the station to say goodbye. Mother and son then meet at the station. He didn't forgive him. She blames herself terribly. She realizes that it will take time for their relationship to return to normal. She also emphasizes that he must also forgive Karim, who is also a victim in this whole unfortunate story.

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Lilou victim of the serial rapist

At the police station, Anatole Fauvet, assisted by his lawyer Simon Leclercq, is interviewed by Sara and Michaël. According to his defender, the suspect intends to file a complaint against Nordine. The cops tell him that his client is far from an angel. More than 1,600 photos of teenage girls were found on his computer and he was arrested in front of the school, seriously bothering a young girl. Simon procrastinates and asks what the connection is between these facts and the matter concerning Rachel. Anatole claims that he was not even in Sète on the day of the rape. Meanwhile, Nordine tells Rachel that the suspect in custody appears to be the one who attacked her. He then suggests that she listen to an audio recording of Anatole, so that she can identify him. But, after hearing it, she doesn't confirm anything. Rachel then expresses her total dismay. Since her attack, she has been completely lost. At the police station, Sara has new information on Anatole. According to his computer history, he spent his time on masculinist forums. And his professional history also shows previous serious problems, always linked to his relationships with women. Michaël partially confirms the suspect's alibi: he was in a bar in on the evening of the attack but he left early enough to commit the crime. At the prison, Philippine informs Charles that it is still too early to request a modification of his sentence. She feels guilty about this situation. He reassures her but still asks her for a favor: he would like Rachel to come and live with them. Rachel, in fact, is at the hospital for her examination but, instead of Soizic, she sees Samuel arrive. At first reassured, the young woman soon panics. Samuel then suggests that he set up a later meeting with Soizic. At the Spoon, Lizzie, Violette and Lilou discuss the attack on Rachel and the suspect in police custody, who was taking photos of the high school students. Logically, they are somewhat tense by the situation. Having heard the discussion, Mona adds another layer: they must be very vigilant.

In the evening, Lilou goes to the police station. Shocked, she then reveals that someone had just tried to rape her…



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