Cyril Hanouna makes a big announcement regarding the future of TPMP

Cyril Hanouna makes a big announcement regarding the future of TPMP
Cyril Hanouna makes a big announcement regarding the future of TPMP

This Friday, October 25, Cyril Hanouna made a big announcement concerning Don’t touch my post following ARCOM’s decision to remove the C8 channel. Find out what future holds for the show.

It was an announcement that shocked the PAF. On July 24, ARCOM informed of the deletion of the C8 and NRJ 12 channels from TNT from February 28, 2025. A decision that Cyril Hanouna very quickly contested. TPMP will continue until February, end of February. Then, be aware, the C8 channel will make numerous appeals to ensure that this decision is not taken.” had warned the host. This Friday, October 25, live from Don’t touch my post, Cyril Hanouna, gave an update on the future of his show. News that will delight his fans!

Cyril Hanouna makes a big announcement regarding Don’t touch my post

Cyril Hanouna revealed the result of his meeting with the management of Canal+ concerning the future of TPMP. “I tell you again, we are progressing extremely well. Or there is a rebound and we win, and it’s magnificent, C8 continues as planned, as usual, there is nothing that changes”he put forward as his first hypothesis before announcing the second option: “If not, know it, from March 1st, we will be on another channel of the groupwe will remain in the Canal+ group. It’s decided, we decided this morning, we stay and we found a solution.” In addition to this good news, the host confirmed that he will remain on the radio on Europe 1.

Cyril Hanouna reassures his columnists about their future in Don’t touch my post

Cyril Hanouna took advantage of his announcement to reassure the columnists about their place in the show. “There’s no point going to see so-and-so, don’t sell the furniture”declared the host of TPMP. “There’s no point going to see so-and-so and do like Guillaume Genton, don’t take an example from him,” he had fun about a day when he surprised Guillaume Genton in the middle of a meeting with another channel before concluding: “Guillaume is my brother and he doesn’t do anything wrong of course, I tease him, my Guillaume whom I adore.”

Don’t touch my postto be found in full on the application myCANAL.




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