Lindsay is not a Belgian farmer like the others…

Lindsay is not a Belgian farmer like the others…
Lindsay is not a Belgian farmer like the others…

The tension begins to rise in “Love is in the Meadow”. Farmers must make choices and, for certain candidates, the pressure is now strong, particularly in the face of criticism from viewers.

Lindsay Plovie does not participate in the RTL show. And yet, this 32-year-old farmer is at the heart of the news. The young woman is in fact our only representative in the ‘Boerinnenkalender 2025’ of the Netherlands and, this Saturday, she will defend the colors of Belgium in the election of “Miss Boerin”.

“I will be the oldest and the only one with children,” she jokes to our colleagues at Laatste Nieuws.

She and her husband run a dairy business in Aalter, East Flanders. “In the beginning, there were 11 active farmers on our street. Today, only us are left,” laments Lindsay. “If we lose all the farmers, it will have a big impact on our lifestyles, our traditions, our food…”

Lindsay also runs a beauty salon on the side: “Clients often look at me with wide eyes. Farm work is hard and requires patience, but it requires the same skills in well-being. With these two worlds, people realize how passionate I am about my work.”

This Saturday, Lindsay will proudly represent all the values ​​she wants to convey on the podium of the “Miss Boerin” election, at the “Høken & Hakselen” festival in Loosbroek.




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