“sad” news for fans, Pierre Garnier abandons the tour, here’s why

“sad” news for fans, Pierre Garnier abandons the tour, here’s why
“sad” news for fans, Pierre Garnier abandons the tour, here’s why

This Thursday, May 23, 2024, Pierre Garnier took to his social networks to share sad news with his subscribers, he who is forced to abandon the tour.

Thunderclap for fans of season 11 of Star Academy. While the adventure that began within the walls of the castle of Dammaries-les-lys continues through the official concert tour of the students discovered by viewers during the daily news and bonuses broadcast on TF1, one of its protagonists shared some unexpected news to say the least.

This concerns a Star Academy student in particular and is likely to create disappointment for his fans. This Thursday, May 23, 2024, Pierre Garnier took to his social networks to announce a twist in his adventure. In an Instagram story, the winner of season 11 of the Star Academy first wanted to thank the public who came to attend the academicians’ concert organized the day before in Caen.

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Star Academy: this unexpected twist on the tour

A date all the more symbolic for the young artist since it was held in the city where he was born and during which Pierre Garnier highlighted the public for the energy he showed. After which, the musician got to the heart of the matter by evoking the unfortunate reason, to say the least, which pushed him to speak out to his community.

If the public showed good energy, Pierre Garnier explained that he had difficulty performing. The reason ? Problems with the voice, the young man’s musical instrument by essence. A situation which is not without consequences for the rest of the concert tour in which Pierre Garnier must participate. “My voice is weakened and the doctors I consulted told me that I absolutely must not sing for the next two days,” he explained in his story Instagram.

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Pierre Garnier: “I am sad and frustrated”

And to add in a mixture of honesty and frustrations: “I will therefore, to my great regret, not be present on stage this evening and tomorrow evening.” A point on which the young man once again insisted in another publication on the social network.

“I am sad and frustrated not to be able to be with you but I must realize that this is essential to be able to return in better possession of my vocal means and continue to give you as much of myself every evening”, writes Pierre Garnier to his community. Enough to disappoint the singer’s fans impatient to see him sing at Le Mans. They will, however, be able to attend the performances of the academicians who accompanied Pierre Garnier on the path to victory. As he clarified on Instagram, the concert “will of course be assured with all the energy and talent of this wonderful Star Academy Tour team.”

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…



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