The DH watched season 3 of “The Bridgerton Chronicle”: a captivating season (spoiler)

The DH watched season 3 of “The Bridgerton Chronicle”: a captivating season (spoiler)
The DH watched season 3 of “The Bridgerton Chronicle”: a captivating season (spoiler)

Shonda Rhimes and Netflix have once again struck the right chord with the third season of The Bridgerton Chronicles, adapted from the bestselling books by Julia Quinn. Since its launch in 2020, the series has captured a global audience, propelling one of its main actors, Regé-Jean Page, to the heights of international success with his role as the Duke of Hastings. Skillfully mixing the past and modernity, the costumes and sets of the series, set at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, have even inspired clothing and decoration boutiques.

What makes this sequel so irresistible?

Let’s start with the beauty of the French used throughout the episodes, whether in the dialogue or in the voice of the narrator, interpreted by Julia Andrews and dubbed by the talented Frédérique Tirmont. The musical choices, all in instrumental versions, add an enchanting touch, like the Vitamin String Quartet’s cover of Sia’s “Cheap Thrills” at a ball.

Bridgerton, season 3: the broadcast date finally revealed!

More than a love story

Compared to the first two seasons, which focused exclusively on the romances between Daphne and the Duke in the first season, as well as between Anthony and Kate in the second, this third season explores new love stories. Although mainly focused on the couple Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington, it offers several new storylines, notably that of Bénédict Bridgerton, second of the siblings, and that of Lady Violet Bridgerton with Lady Danbury’s brother, Marcus Andersons, played by Daniel Francis . Without forgetting the arrival in the world of Francesca Bridgerton, now played by Hannah Dodd, who gives new depth to the character.

Be careful, however, that for those who have read the books, the chronology in the adapted Netflix version is not quite the same. In the books, Bénédict’s story comes before Colin’s… We like it or we don’t like it! However, the most ardent fans will have spotted several nods to the original version, including for example the initial meeting between Colin and Penelope while allowing great freedom for the needs of the series.

Penelope, played by the very talented Nicola Coughlan, excels in her role. Her charisma shines through the screen and proves once again that you don’t have to be a size 36 to be beautiful, attractive and sexy. She juggles perfectly between her role as a marriageable young girl and that of the piquant Lady Whistledown, author of society criticism. As for his partner Luke Newton aka Colin Bridgerton, the wait between season 2 and this season proved beneficial, even if he still remains a bit childish in his role.

A friendship sacrificed

The breakdown of the friendship between Penelope Featherington and Eloise Bridgerton, introduced in the previous season by the latter’s discovery of the identity of Lady Whistledown, takes an unexpected turn from the start of this new season. It is on the arm of Cressida Cowper that Eloise, abandoning her books and her feminism to immerse herself in high society, offers a new perspective on her character, just like Cressida. Mistreated by her parents, the young woman shows herself to be endearing, with a complex personality, and pleasantly surprises the spectators.

Diversity always there

The Bridgerton Chronicles continues to promote diversity and inclusion, introducing characters like a wheelchair-bound lord and a debutante practicing sign language. This authentic depiction contrasts with other series and offers a refreshing perspective on the era.

Finally, the rest of the cast, notably Golda Rosheuvel in the role of the Queen, maintains the level of excellence to which the series has accustomed us.

With its four episodes of just under an hour each, this third season leaves viewers hungry, eager to know the rest of the adventures of the Bridgertons. The questions remain unanswered: will Violet Bridgerton succumb to the charm of Lady Danbury’s brother? Will Colin discover Penelope’s secret before the wedding? You will have to wait a few weeks before having the answers, but the pleasure of rediscovering this universe is well worth the wait. Part 2 of this season will be available from June 13, 2024 on Netflix!



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