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“STAT”: the public does not understand why Isabelle decides to keep her treatments secret

“STAT”: the public does not understand why Isabelle decides to keep her treatments secret
“STAT”: the public does not understand why Isabelle decides to keep her treatments secret

The third season of STAT began by immersing viewers in Isabelle Granger’s (Geneviève Schmidt) fight against breast cancer.

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Recently, it was revealed that the surgeon did not have metastases. Despite a successful operation, his oncologist told him that his oncotype was too high, which will require chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy.

However, Isabelle chooses to keep this upsetting information to herself, and to follow her treatments outside the walls of Saint-Vincent hospital. This decision left some viewers perplexed.

On the show’s Facebook page, many people wonder about this approach. Here are some comments collected:

“She thinks she’s stronger, but she should let herself be helped…poor Isabelle, such a strong woman. I’m sure she’ll regret being alone in there.”

“I don’t understand her decision to go through this alone”

“His attitude is difficult to understand and easy to judge. However, as a doctor, she should know that she will be weakened by the treatments and that I don’t want to… it will become apparent quite quickly. I wonder if such privileges are actually permitted between colleagues. I suppose the author didn’t invent that and yes, there are privileges! »

“The character of Isabelle seems to represent the typical woman with Superwoman syndrome. It’s not just pride, it’s also a sense of duty, of being capable, of being strong as she has always been in her life. In short, pop psycho is my business, I’m not a health professional”

“It’s so sad that some people make the decision to go through it alone, or have to go through it alone, plus she has so many beautiful people around her to help her”

“She shouldn’t go through this alone”

“It’s unfortunate to go through such a big ordeal alone while being so well surrounded”

“It’s almost impossible for her to get through all this without help, at some point someone close to her will realize it…”

“Very sad, yet there are plenty of resources and support. Even just your friends and family. They would be there for her to transmit their positive energy and encourage her. It’s impossible to go through this alone! As if it were a shameful disease, we must demystify it today. »

“When you’re sick, you need the energy of your friends and family to get through it. »

“Not too credible, a doc does this alone and lies to her friends”

Don’t miss STAT Monday to Thursday at 7:00 p.m. on HERE TV.

• Also read: Julie Perreault explains why she decided to announce her relationship in a big way on social networks

SEE ALSO: Who on the “STAT” set makes their colleagues laugh the most?



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